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Home > Show Us Yours! > Ford F1 V6 turbo exhaust manifolds


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Isle of Man

I was having a peak around uni today, and found this beaut, its an old ford v6 turbo f1 engine, but it was the manifolds that interested me.

I can imagine a ford v6 that revs to hell and back will require different ports/manifold design etc, but maybe these pics are of use/interest to someone (being 3 port and all...)?



"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"

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10980 Posts
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SouthPark, Colorado

So is that flange one piece or split?

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


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I bet its only a 1500cc...or so

It really brings it home when you realise they were up against 3000cc Naturally aspirated cars !!!

BTW - I took my buddy VTEC Pete out for a spin this weekend, and even though I am running her in, he gave it a name, the "Brocket"...cause I'm a brocket maaannn, nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah....

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Katy Mini Owners Club Thread -

Let's make sure you embarrass at least one VTEC MINI today !


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6274 Posts
Member #: 509
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Isle of Man

took some more pics today:

im surprised at how well they came out considering theyre off my camera phone.

Ill try and find some info on it on monday.


"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"

turbo hogster

1641 Posts
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stowmaket suffolk

yep seen one of them at beaulie motor museum.

also at my local aston martin garage had one as a coffe table would you belive.

it was donated buy lotus as they sell lotus's as well.

always looking for them bigger bunches of bannanas

turbo hogster

1641 Posts
Member #: 178
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stowmaket suffolk

ps i believe they used to run 60 psi max as well

with 45 being the normal running and scope to run 60 for short bursts but if they got it wrong the good old murry waler saying used to come like "his blown the turbo again".

but thats when F1 was F1 and drivers had to change gear buy with one hand on the stearing wheel.

and racing drivers were racing drivers eg senna, mansell, picque, prost ect ect.

and teddies were always thrown out of ones pram.

always looking for them bigger bunches of bannanas


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966 Posts
Member #: 358
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Snetterton, Norfolk

Yeah they used to run about 60 psi in qualifying then less in the race. The regs said that either a 3000 na engine could be used (ie. Cosworth dfv) or a 1500 forced induction engine. The biggest limit on the boost levels that they could run was that the fuel tanks were limited to 200l and no refuelling was permitted. So if u turned up the boost too much then u ran out of fuel!!! I help to look after some of the slightly earlier F1 cars than these, but the turbocharged cars are not eligible for our championship.

Looking at those pics i am surprised the turbos are soo small. The brabhams from that era used to run the straight four with a turbo the size of a dinner plate!!


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966 Posts
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Snetterton, Norfolk

No it looks a wide angle vee. Was looking at a dfv for a little while today at work cos we just got one back from our engine builder. Our rebuilds are about 10k for a normal rebuild and the engine gets new pistons, bearings, fasteners, valve springs etc. They come back looking stunning!!!!


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Snetterton, Norfolk

Cosworth DFV

Not bad for £50k. A much cheaper bet is the Cosworth XB champ car motor. only £16k and 700bhp at 28psi!!! Someone i know is putting one in a Darrian T90 at the mo!!! 600kg and 700bhp sounds crazy, going to be racing in Britcar.


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966 Posts
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Snetterton, Norfolk

Slowly on the 16v front, too much real work at work!!!! Doing silly hours trying to get the cars ready for a test wednesday week at Donington!

Hopefully get some done after that if all goes well and drivers behave themselves!! *oh well*


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966 Posts
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Snetterton, Norfolk

This paintjob:

Back when F1 was really F1 and the cars were totally different!!!

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455bhp per ton
12 sec 1/4 mile road legal mini

Sunny Bridgend, South Wales

good photo's thank mate!
Would love to know the CC and CR of that engine

Team Racing

On 15th May, 2009 TurboDave said:

I think the welsh one has it right!

1st to provide running proof
of turbo twinkie in a car and first to
run a 1/4 in one!!

Is your data backed up?? one extra month free for all Turbo minis members, PM me for detials


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6274 Posts
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Isle of Man

I asked a technician today, Its a GBA engine, he said theres a full spec sheet for it somewhere (was originally on that white plaque at the front), hes gonna have a look for it but cant promise anything. jo

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"


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6274 Posts
Member #: 509
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Isle of Man

oh, and apparently it touched on 1000bhp!!

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"


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966 Posts
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Snetterton, Norfolk

A quick google revealed three in the US for sale at £15k a piece!! Used in a Benetton in 1986 were a 1497cc engine and produced 1000bhp on toluene fuel and 750bhp on normal(ish) fuel. Can't seem to find anything on compression ratios though.

Graham Harvey

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62 Posts
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EFI A Series Turbo

Burntwood Staffs

Way back in the 80's when Ford no longer had a competitive engine they comissioned Keith Duckworth to design the Turbo V6.The BBC did a two part documentary on the design an testing of that engine.Cosworth started off with the 4 cyl BDA type engine as at the time the Bmw was the best engine,that was a 4pot.The documentary shows them testing it ,it gets to 600ish Hp on the dyno then it lets go.Thats when they decided to start from scratch and build the V6.The documentary was called "Turbo" I think.I've probably still got it on video somewhere,I'll try to find it out and watch it,might get some good ideas off it.

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