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Home > Help Needed / General Tech Chat > Crank 12g1505 is correct for turbo?


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Member #: 12352
Junior Member

hello. Well, I am Spanish and my expression may not be correct, I will try to express myself as best as possible and try to understand you as best I can.

ok, I'm slowly starting to assemble a 1275 pre A engine block in standard size. I am going to convert it to turbo, with a GT1548 from a Nissan 2.0TD, I have put a new cartridge in it... I intend to be at 125/140 hp, it is a fast road car, I do not intend to give it racing use or even high rpm, not much beyond 6000.
The cylinder head I have is an MPI with standard chambers, A+ connecting rods and practically new MPI 21963 pistons that I intend to lower the head to reach an rc of 9:1. I hope I don't have to touch the cylinder head chambers.

Well, the question... I have a 6232 A+ crankshaft that is a mess, to be thrown in the trash and I have the option of a standard 1505 in very good condition, is this older crankshaft suitable for turbo preparations or would it be better to look for one more modern like 6232??
My case will not be an extreme engine and I suppose that the 12g1505 could serve correctly, but I do not have much experience with these engines yet and I do not know if any of you use this type of crankshafts successfully.


4306 Posts
Member #: 1321
Post Whore


As with anything a-series the key is in the condition.

If you have a good 121505 crank, as long as the filett radius where the crank journal joins the crank web has a nice gentle transition and the rest of it is in good condition I would certainly use it. Revs kill cranks, and the power/revs you propose will not do it any harm.

My preference would be to wedge/balance and heat treat if it needs a re-grind, if not just balance.

I have rejected a few cam6232 cranks for engines because of poor factory machining. Even had the opportunity to buy a cheap brand new one a couple of years ago for a good price and that was wrong too!



Edited by minimole23 on 15th May, 2024.

On 7th Oct, 2010 5haneJ said:
yeah I gave it all a good prodding


5 Posts
Member #: 12352
Junior Member

Hello, thank you very much for your response

Home > Help Needed / General Tech Chat > Crank 12g1505 is correct for turbo?
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