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Home > Help Needed / General Tech Chat > Turbo coolant hose setup help


14 Posts
Member #: 12343

mid devon

Hi guys

Just in the middle of installing a med 1295 turbo engine using metro turbo carb and turbo etc.. Im a little confused with the coolant hose arrangements and where the hoses go as the metro manifold is water cooled, ive had the head drilled and the heater tap installed..

I've got the hose from the matrix going to the heater tap on the top left of the engine, i have another matrix hose and two inlet manifold coolant pipe ends to find homes for, my lower rad hose has a take off for a smaller pipe but im unsure how to connect the other matrix hose and the two on the inlet..

Any help would be much apricated

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
Post Whore

Luton Bedfordshire

are you using the sandwich plate? if not you will have to run with the heater tap open as that will be your bypass or you will have to drill your thermostat.

you will also need the MPI bottom radiator hose. To do it correct you will need to split the water flow coming from the heater tap and add in the later type heater valve. This way you can have a continuous circulation of coolant around the engine and selectable heating.

Own the day

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
Post Whore

Luton Bedfordshire


Edited by Mr Joshua on 21st Feb, 2024.

Own the day


14 Posts
Member #: 12343

mid devon

Hi mate

no sandwich plate but im fitting the engine into a mpi mini so i guess ill have the hoses from that one..

Any ideas how to connect the cooled inlet and that hose together ?

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
Post Whore

Luton Bedfordshire

You will have to route the take off from the heater tap position through the inlet manifold then split the flow into the heater matrix. Then you will have your two pipes that go into the bottom hose of the radiator.

Own the day

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