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Home > Wanted > Cosmic Alloys - wheel centre caps


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Member #: 12310
Junior Member

Hello, I am looking for a set of 4 metal wheel hub caps from the Cosmic brand. My 6 x 10" Cosmic alloy wheels are from the 70s and have a diameter of about 65 mm at the edge and about 55 mm inside. They are held in place by a metal clamp!
I would be very happy if someone had a set avaiIable. I still have two hub caps myself, 2 or 3 would also be a successful offer for me. I am looking forward to friendly offers, whereby the hub caps are to be sent to 63667 Nidda in Germany. Thank you very much for your effort and a warm greeting, Albert


173 Posts
Member #: 9128
Advanced Member

Gordan at CATMINT does them:

Home > Wanted > Cosmic Alloys - wheel centre caps
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