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Shelsley – 17th/18th September. My first visit to Shelsley, been on my list for a while and it did not disappoint. Venue is fantastic, great amenities on site and very welcoming.

Arrived on Friday, knew I had arrived in hillclimb country when I turned off the A44 and was greeted by a 17% hill. Paddock is decent, like Goodwood you get a little covered garage, not the widest, but ample for a mini.

We had a small championship group in attendance, but with the Maguire, a Lynx R1 and a Vetechbusa powered cars, I was a bit down on power. Outside our championship the other Mod Prod cars were also twinkams I’d battled with in the past. Also Matt Clarke was there in his A1 car that I’ve been using as a yardstick across various venues.

Walked the hill, incredibly steep, especially as you turn into Bottom Ess. for those who aren’t familiar with the hill, here it is.

At first glance, it doesn’t appear too complex, but in reality, there’s a fair bit to it. All made or lost through the Esses, as they are the only braking points. Given the gradient, the brave can just lift and shift, but get it wrong and the armco is waiting for you.

First practice and I erred on the side of caution, braked early for bottom ess but a nice clean run. 36.39. Thought there was room for improvement, but took me all day to beat this run. Because it was clean and smooth it was quick. Second practice I tried to brake later into the esses, but ended up braking too hard and killed all momentum. Shame as I had a better launch and was 2 tenths up into Bottom Ess, but ended up across the line in 36.64.

First time run pretty much replicated the first practice, entering Esses exactly the same time with the same sector time too. Tried to hang out 3rd gear for the final straight, was 1mph slower through the speed trap (78 v 79) and it cost me a tenth with a 36.47.

Just needing now to apply what I’d learned throughout the day, less braking into Bottom Ess, carrying as much momentum as possible through the steep section and getting through 3rd and into 4th for the straight. All came together nicely, 36.09.

I didn’t know how I would fair at what is a new venue and widely considered a “power hill” so I’d not set a firm target. I knew Matt Clarke’s PB was 36.15 so that was a good marker, it was nice to meet and chat with him, I’ve used his onboards as a reference for many venues, he’s a hell of a driver, especially as he’s on road tyres. On his final run, he had a storming run and set a new PB, dipping into the 35’s with a 35.91. Was a storming drive and set a new target for the Sunday.

The other car I’ve battled against elsewhere is the Ex-Martin Depper car that’s now in allswage livery and driven by David and Nick West. The car is incredibly well prepped and got some significant power via the twinkam lump. I pipped them at Loton earlier in the year, but Nick has since improved my time by 3 tenths. Think my PB at Prescott is just ahead of Nick, but no doubt at risk on his next visit. I’d been just ahead of him for the day, but his final run he dropped his Ess sector sub 10 seconds and with a couple more mph on the straight he knobbled me by one hundredth.

It's not much, with two tenths of a second separating three very different cars, but that’s the joy of hillclimb and sprints. I love this kind of close competition, I wasn’t in with a chance of giving the Maguire or R1 cars a close run here, so you find a suitable contest elsewhere. Anyway, with a great day done it was to the bar for a couple of cold ones.

Target for Sunday was a sub 10 second Ess sector and that should bring a 35 second run. Sounds so simple.

First practice was good, bit slippery in the esses till it dried out, 36.61 with a 10.51 Ess sector. All my Saturday runs were 75 mph through the speed trap at the entry Esses and this run was the same. The quicker Mini’s were all carrying a bit more speed, guess this is due to flat out Kennel and Crossing as well as having a bit more oomph.

Sunday batch order put me in good company in the top paddock with the Pirelli Ferrari Championship.

Second practice I pushed pretty hard through the early sector, managed 76mph through the trap this time, matching my previous best Ess sector to the hundredth 10.06. but the run was clean and with a touch cooler temp the engine was a bit happier. 35.78. I’d got to the 35’s, but the sub 10 middle sector still evaded me.

Now, I’ve been in this position before, second practice being a belter, but having to replicate to gain points. Sat down and reviewed the footage (I record practice runs too now since Harewood!), we broke for lunch so I had plenty of time to get round the whole car to check everything was optimum. Matt Clarke wasn’t competing, but was spectating and came and congratulated me on my new PB, there’s a good camaraderie in the paddock.

Crunch time, first timed run. Little down on the launch and Kennel, halved the gap by Crossing and maintained the 76mph from previous run into the Esses, finally managed to thread the two corners together nicely and got a 9.86 sector, maintained pace up the straight and secured a 35.60. Was very happy.

Given I’d met my goals for the day, thought I’d try something different on the final run. Rather than braking, I’d try an earlier downshift and see scrubbing speed by the gradient alone. It worked well, but I started the deceleration too soon and lost some momentum, clean run 36.16, I can see how you would push for a better time, but the corner is pretty daunting with a 75mpg approach.

Stu Lugger in his lynx R1 mini was up into 6th before the entry and on one run was clocked at 85, two downshifts and a big broadside later, with a lovely save, was a big crowd pleaser. Nick West had been running a touch down on his Saturday’s efforts, he was pushing hard in the afternoon to drop into the 35’s. Entry into Ess was a bit hot, late on the brakes and unfortunately the lock-up pushed him into the barrier. Rim damage and a couple of scuffs but not the way he wanted to end the weekend, I’m sure.

Car has been so consistent, although I feel like the tyres are no longer as grippier as they were mid-season, but there’s still tread on them, unsure when to change. If we are back to double-driving next year, they won’t last a couple of events, so maybe time to change in the new year after a shakedown event.

Only thing that’s been noticed was the additional engine steady appears to be cracking.

So that’s end of my season. The Downton class record at Shelsley was 37.06, so taken nearly a second and a half off for next year, will certainly make points a little harder to gain! Couple of events left in the championship, Prescott, Clay Pigeon and Castle Combe. Which opens the doors to a few people reaching the two sprint minimum for the championship. I’ve done all I can to challenge for the title, out of 18 events; 12 new PB’s that will establish 7 new venue class records.

Here’s my best run from the weekend, 35.60.

Thanks for keeping up with my exploits, now to decide what to tinker with over the winter…

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