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Home > Non-Mini Discussion > 110v 5" grinder recommendations

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
Post Whore

Luton Bedfordshire

Looking for recommendations for a 110v 5" grinder. My first choice is Matabo then Bosch what else should i be looking at. Its going to get a hard life cutting 5mm plate and a lot of surface grinding, will be running for about 8hrs a day

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3590 Posts
Member #: 655
Post Whore

Northern Ireland

I like Metabo myself....but 8 hours a day is pretty heavy duty work.

I've a 750W and 900W 115mm grinder myself.

Also recently got the quick release button that does away with needing the prong tool to change discs.

Although also seen a video on YT in the US, a tools tore ACME Tools...where the Bosch guy showed a grinder with a full quick release system for the discs, no threaded spindle at all.

9.85 @ 145mph
202mph standing mile
speed didn't kill me, but taxation probably will


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2636 Posts
Member #: 1246
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Lowestoft, Suffolk.

If its being used for 8 hours a day by one person you should be looking for something with the lowest HAV's rating.



6 Posts
Member #: 12001
Junior Member

I'd go makita for grinders mate im a builder an I've been running and abusing the same makita ones for years, though if your cutting loads of thick plate get a 9inch there only 100 odd quid and they last forever even cutting paving slabs


3590 Posts
Member #: 655
Post Whore

Northern Ireland

I'd choose a 9" as a last resort. They are a beast to use, and IMO very impractical for most stuff.

I see a video or two online that Metabo also do 6" grinders.

If cutting, as long as you can get the good thin discs, they're all good.

But I think one of the videos on YT had some different handles to help with vibration etc too.

Although also worth there a better alternative to a grinder for such prolonged use ?

9.85 @ 145mph
202mph standing mile
speed didn't kill me, but taxation probably will

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
Post Whore

Luton Bedfordshire

Just recently The Bosch grinder fell over as did most of the Makita grinders the Metabo is still going. Two Dewalt grinders have appeared on the scene and these have been doing the rounds between projects with the welders for some time. However I finally opted for the Metabo its just faster at getting through the work getting the 110v WE15-125 1550w version.

Edited by Mr Joshua on 9th May, 2020.

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