Home > MS Trials & Testing > ECU Configuration - Port Injection, Staged...
17 Posts
Member #: 11671
Firstly thanks to everyone on this forum, lots of great information, hopefully I can contribute in some way.
I am in the process of adding injection onto my supercharged (blow through) 1275GT. My setup is below.
Port injection, 4x Siemens Deka 630cc high impedance injectors, staged.
VR sensor for crank position/speed. (36-1 trigger wheel)
Hall sensor for cam position (modified dizzy)
Two lambda sensors, one in centre branch, one in outside branch.
MG 52mm throttle body.
MPI IAT sensor
Peugeot IACV in custom housing.
My end goal is to have a nice derivable road car. I am not chasing the last few hp out of a race engine.
I have attached some photos. (any feedback would be gladly received)
I am looking for a bit of advice on the ECU configuration. My understanding so far is...
Use a Megasquirt 2.
Buy a 4 channel injector driver board from Jean. Buy components from internet.
Buy a Megasquirt 2 kit and from diyautotune. Reject some of the unneeded components.
Buy a JimStim from diyautotune.
That's about as far as my ecu understanding goes. Do I need an extra board to accommodate two lambda sensors? Also I was looking at using the Innovate DLG-1 Dual Lambda Gauge, any thoughts on that? Do people normally use the diyautotune loom?
At this stage I am just trying to establish what I need to order, then I will worry about how to assemble it all!
Any help would be much appreciated.
Edited by Nobby on 16th Mar, 2018.
Rod S
 (2)[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/150672766@N03/]Rod Sugden[/url], on Fli)
5988 Posts
Member #: 2024
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Rural Suffolk
Being S/C blow thorough you don't have the pressure dependency issues with the the widebands, just put them in the exhaust the way you describe and they will read fine.
That modified inlet manifold looks really neat, the way you have got both injectors in line with the valves and pretty much the same distance away means port injection timing with staged injection should be pretty easy.
The MS2 running Jean's siamese code is a good start (others may say MS3 but if you want to understand how the siamese ports work, the MS2-E code is specifically written for it).
You do have to do a very simple modification to the daughterboard to do staged injection with the siamese code and, if you use Jean's 4 channel board, you can pretty much throw away half of the parts on the standard MS2 (V3.0) board.
JimStim is pretty much essential to get it all set up right.
For the actual Lambda sensors, they obviously need proper wideband contoller(s), they will be in a seperate box or on a separate board depending on which make you choose. Personally I would avoid anything Innovate and look at the 14point7 range, Alan To's stuff.
The DIYAutotune loom becomes mostly irrelevant once you use Jean's 4 channel board as it needs a separate connector.
Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???
Tom Fenton
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Fearless Tom Fenton, Avon Park 2007 & 2008 class D winner & TM legend.
Rotherham South Yorkshire
Nice work on the manifold, very neat.
I would suggest a bead on the end of your plenum chamber inlet though to ensure the boost hose doesn’t push off over time.
On 29th Nov, 2016 madmk1 said:
On 28th Nov, 2016 Rob Gavin said: I refuse to pay for anything else
Like fuel 😂😂
Paul S

8604 Posts
Member #: 573
Formerly Axel
If you don't feel confident with dealing with the specific requirements of the MS2 for siamese use like adding the extra circuits and mods to the main board, then you may wish to consider using the MS3 + MS3X expansion. It's a black box solution but does not have the specific siamese code although it can do the job in other ways.
Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."
17 Posts
Member #: 11671
Hello, thanks for your replies.
I've just had a look at 14point7 and it looks good, thanks for the recommendation. I allready have a Bosch lsu sensor and tech edge controller which I used to set up my SU. So I was thinking ditch the tech edge controller, buy another sensor, 2x controllers and 2x gauges from 14point7. Does that sound like a good plan?
The ms3 looks good but I think I will stick with the MS2 as there seems to be more info available and it's a bit cheaper! Is there anything else I should order from diyautotune? Does anyone use the relay board or do you just make up your own?
Tom, I machined a groove in the plenum pipe which connects to the throttle body to give the hose something to grip to. I should of done the same for the plenum inlet pipe! I will come up with something similar for it.
Many thanks,
1267 Posts
Member #: 831
Post Whore
Montreal, Canada
Do not buy the relay board. It was barely adequate for the original MS1 and it is totally outdated.
Rod S
 (2)[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/150672766@N03/]Rod Sugden[/url], on Fli)
5988 Posts
Member #: 2024
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Rural Suffolk
Like Jean says, just do your own.
Whatever you do is going to be fairly customised to suit your own install.
I'm assuming from your saying you will buy an MS2 kit from DIY that you are competent/confident with soldering it all together (please don't take that the wrong way but there are so many posts on the MS-E forums where people have decided to build it themselves and clearly haven't a clue and wasted a lot of their money).
If you are building yourself and using Jean's driver board and are happy with sourcing the components on the web (Farnell, RS, Mouser, Digikey etc.) you might want to think about the partial kit from DIY and just buy the parts needed for your build.
From my experience last year building an MS2 from DIY's kit for someone else on here, the kit was crap, lots of cheap substitutions for what should have been included, I threw a lot of it away to put the right parts in.
But don't let that experience put you off.
Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???
17 Posts
Member #: 11671
Thanks for your help. I have ordered all the bits, I'm looking forward to assembling it.
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