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Home > Non-Mini Discussion > Clio 172 advice


432 Posts
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So my mazda 3 went bang last weekend (on the way to taking a lass out!!!!!)
Needing something cheap and fun, seen a 172 local that's only £700 as needs electric windows fixing and a torn seat.

Anything I should be looking out for when I go look?




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2975 Posts
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lowestoft suffolk

Just make sure cambelt and dephaser pulley has been done sometime rescent... if u can get it cheap fair enough but if not chuck a few more hundred on top n get the 172 cup... i had a reputation of choppin n changin my cars like crazy but ive had my cup for nearly 2 years now which is a record for me! Ticks alot of the right boxes for me...

On 24th Oct, 2015 jonny f said:
Nothing gets past Dave lol


1/4 mile 14.7 @ 96mph 12psi boost
Showdown class A 2nd place 18.6 @ 69mph


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9812 Posts
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Resident Cylinder Head Modifier

Mitsi Evo 7, 911, Cossie. & all the chavs ...... won no problem

On 7th Jul, 2016 adrian said:
So my mazda 3 went bang last weekend (on the way to taking a lass out!!!!!)
Needing something cheap and fun



i bet it whent Bang! when you took her out*happy*
i suggest a 4x4 as they are good on suspension *Jester*

Star Mag

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They are cheap fun now. I have had one for a couple of years. Not had many problems. Just had the belts done.

They handle relatively well but lack power. My R5 GTT was much more fun!


432 Posts
Member #: 2726
Senior Member


Went bang when I took her out Monday, bloody fell into bathroom door and knocked herself out.

Bloody women


2395 Posts
Member #: 229


As above, check belts and dephaser as they will cost you £700 minimum.


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2975 Posts
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lowestoft suffolk

On 14th Jul, 2016 t3gav said:
As above, check belts and dephaser as they will cost you £700 minimum.

Got my belt n dephaser done with service for £515... it is a cup so hasnt got the aircon poop in the way... but got it cheaper mainly because i said i can do without the car for a couple weeks so he fitted inbetween his normal jobs at his leisure

On 24th Oct, 2015 jonny f said:
Nothing gets past Dave lol


1/4 mile 14.7 @ 96mph 12psi boost
Showdown class A 2nd place 18.6 @ 69mph


2395 Posts
Member #: 229


That's cheap, Renault and most specialists want £1k+ and Renault fuck a lot of them up...


264 Posts
Member #: 11029
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Bit of a thread revival ive just been a tested a clio 182 and i was thouroughly dissapointed ......

Good looking example had its belts etc done lowered a little everything worked but it just didnt inspire me atall it felt like it had no guts atall. The guy who owned it said hes never driven it like i had ...... he was a bit white and at one point said i wouldnt overtake here which i did he he he .... e type jag aswell ....

But really quite a numb drive and at the moment im using a leon tdi fr 186 bhp and it felt nothing like 180 bhp.

Sad as i really wanted one

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Rob Gavin

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remember the leon will have a bag more torque than the clio so it will feel so different


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9258 Posts
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Betwix Harrogate and York

My missus has the later RS200. In some ways it doesn't feel that fast, but the speedo reminds you it is.

The key is revs, it's shit below 5k. But you never get that turbo surge. I've diven cars that are slower but feel faster.

Maybe the one you drove was knackered?

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.

jonny f

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2094 Posts
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Try a turbo'd one! They shift very well.


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2975 Posts
Member #: 10749
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lowestoft suffolk

I love my 172 cup to bits!!! Ive never kept a 'daily' so long!! Tbf its the lightest model compared to a ff182 (and ive lightened it more) and doesnt have the traction control, abs has a different map etc etc so is a more drivers car but yeah at low revs doesnt seam fast but once its gets past that magic rpm its a completely different car!! I constantly get told by lots of racer mates and track car guys "bloody 172 cups.. there everywhere at the tracks but do keep up with the big boys"

P.s i got paired against a leon turbo (no idea what the model is im not a seat guy..) at pod on a few runs at a rwyb in my clio and he had quite a few mods and was stripped out and i kept with him!! I was trying to see if i could come anywhere near my turbominis time in the 'daily hack' (glad i didnt manage it) and was doing constant 14.9's all day..

Edited by D4VE on 6th May, 2017.

On 24th Oct, 2015 jonny f said:
Nothing gets past Dave lol


1/4 mile 14.7 @ 96mph 12psi boost
Showdown class A 2nd place 18.6 @ 69mph


264 Posts
Member #: 11029
Senior Member


Dont get me wrong im not slating it! just i was expecting more it just didn't give me the Fizz i had it over 5 grand a few times and maintained it but no fizz. also not a good idea to cart 3 kids about in so i cannot justify it.

Leon is factory spec Fr estate DSG and it does give the fizz but its going back next month im of two minds to collect the Audi A3 saloon tfsi S line i will have waiting for me or take the money and plough it into the turbo mini?

Outside the box


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2500 Posts
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Northern Ireland (ex AUS)

I had a full fat 182 for 4 years, really enjoyed it for equipment levels (auto xenons, wipers, full leather etc), fairly easy on fuel (40mpg capable), and pretty quick for what it was. If your used to a turbo then you will miss the torque, it does need revs. I found because it was generally considered not a fast hot hatch, everyone who thought they were fast wanted a race which got annoying, but they usually found out they were wrong *wink*

Anything with a nice twin scroll is always an option, nice and responsive and no need to drop down gears. Some of the modern diesels are not that far behind the fast turbo petrols, at leas on some roads.

Edited by Jay#2 on 7th May, 2017.

On 7th Nov, 2008 Nic said:
!!!!!!sdrawkcab si gnihtyreve ?droabyekym ot deneppah sah tahw ayhwdd

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