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Home > Track, Drag & Race > R1 Mini on track footage progress thread


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Hi chaps. I thought I would share the evolution of my R1 mini....on film! Well not so much evolution but suspension/chassis tuning progress *Idea*

This first vid is my shakedown run at Mini World Action Day 2014. I only got a few laps in but learnt a lot about myself and the car.
1) The gear selector shaft on the shifter (engine side) snapped so I got stuck in 4th.
2) Coolant system efficiency was inadequate
3) Way too much under steer
4) I need race overalls as a checked shirts look a bit stupid

Next outing was Mallory in May '15. Fixed the gear selector, added an axillary front mount rad and added some stiffer rear springs & some competition front yellow cones. Car was much better but still has some under steer and rear springs were still too soft. I was getting wheel spin through devils elbow!

On to July at Rockingham Motor Speedway. Got to stretch its legs a bit more here and it showed the gearing is a little long as I didn`t have the power to pull 6th gear. Stiffer rear springs again which improved the balance. However, now with a stiffer setup & more aggressive GEO, turn in was great but then I was rolling over the edges of the 165/70r10 AO32r's. (camera bit shakey on this one sorry)

Finally on to Castle Combe 2015, a year after the first outing. Stiffer rear springs installed (again!) and Avon CR6ZZ 165/70r10 road tyres. Car felt brilliant. Handling was neutral to a touch understeerey so nearly there now with the balance. Tyre performance was very consistent & braking was much better too. I will never go back to the Yoko`s! Also I changed the sprocket out which shortened the gearing a touch so it pulls 6th now

Hope you enjoys the vids. Got some new fancy front dampers to go on over christmas & really looking forward to getting back out there next year. I want to do loads more track days in 2016 and would be really good to do some with a few like minded people on the forum *smiley*

Edited by duds100 on 23rd Dec, 2015.

1976 Mini 1000 FWD R1 - 13.2@104
1975 Mini 850
INSTAGRAM @duds100


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9318 Posts
Member #: 59
First mini turbo to get in the 12's & site perv


I saw this in action at Combe this year and it was incredible.
The car was very fast, it looked to handle fantastically well and you are a very talented driver.

I had a bit of a nose around it in the car park and I was equally impressed, it is a very subtle car with a lot of time spent on it.
I wish you all the best for future developments


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1648 Posts
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Carlisle, Cumbria

Was this mini at MITP this year?


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882 Posts
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Wow, that looks a lot of fun to drive!! Any pictures of the car?

jonny f

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Cracking car. So fast on track. Where did you get the tyres from? Seem to be at least double the price of yokos.

Forgot to say over on Tmf what tracks I'll be going to this year in the mini. Will definitely be doing retro cars evening at brands and lsmoc at goodwood (might be at brands TBA). Maybe castle Combe.


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5417 Posts
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Double hard bastard

brookwood woking

That looks lots of fun!

Makes me want to get on the track more lol..

I have started posting on Instagram also my name on there is turbomk1golf

Nothing is impossible it just costs more and takes longer.

On 1st Nov, 2007 Ben H said:
There is no such thing as 'insignificant weight saving', it all adds up.


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Thanks Nic - too kind. Yes it is an absolute riot to drive - a little hard on the arms though!

Yes Haz I was at MITP this year. Got a 13.2 sec @104 which I was chuffed with for my first visit.

I will start a build thread over Christmas Mike so will put some pictures up and more details about it there.

Jonny, I got the tyres from Slovenia! €142 each which is much cheaper than I could find anywhere in the UK. Took about 10 days for delivery. Link;

I'll put the retro cars eve in my calendar as I really want to do Brands.

Edited by duds100 on 23rd Dec, 2015.

1976 Mini 1000 FWD R1 - 13.2@104
1975 Mini 850
INSTAGRAM @duds100


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10022 Posts
Member #: 1456

Barnsley, South Flatcapshire

Like! We need more threads like this :)

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
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Carlisle, Cumbria

I think I had a nosey over it, and remember being impressed like. Have to try and watch the videos when i get home, annoy the mrs for a bit.

Edited by hazpalmer on 23rd Dec, 2015.


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690 Posts
Member #: 9962
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Looks really nice, look forward to seeing some photos or build thread of how you got to this.

There used to be a dayglow orange one where I work (I think it was wrapped) always sounded nice


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10022 Posts
Member #: 1456

Barnsley, South Flatcapshire

That thing would scare me! lol

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.

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