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The subject says it all.

I need ideas and most of you have a catch tank setup so let's see them.
There is plenty of verbal in on it but nothing in the way of photos. Unfortunately I am very visual. *hehe!*


Edited by Dutchy1978 on 15th Apr, 2013.

Rob Gavin

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I made up a catch tank out of an old rocker cover and mounted it to the side of the headlamp bowl in the inner wing (as you should see, I've got no inner wings).

I've formed a take-off on the side of the rocker cover and also modified the original breather from the clutch housing which join in a T piece and run to the catch tank. I've probably gone a bit OTT with the pipe size but I took the view more is better.


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The blue hose makes it fast too! Or so my OH says!

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Ben H

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Mine is just a cheap eBay sigg bottle with a hole in it and a filter glued to the lid.

Edited by Ben H on 15th Apr, 2013.

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In the 13's at last!.. Just


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On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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I got this made to fit the space and just be over 1 litre.


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Two window wash bottles? *wink*

And water temp senders? Going for failover redundancy? They are just missing some stripes?

On 15th Apr, 2013 apbellamy said:

Edited by gr4h4m on 15th Apr, 2013.

I run a supercharger and I don't care the TB is on the wrong side.
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King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Ha ha. Wait till I let you have a go behind the wheel. *wink*

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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Mine isn't on the car as I haven't got the car to put it on! I'm sure you can get the idea from it

The plan is: The tube with the 4 barbed fittings; the hole in the top has some of the perforated steel fitted to the top (being sandblasted at the minute so couldn't assemble it completely) and filled with wire wool to "catch" some of the oil mist.

The rocker cover has the 4 outlets, far left will be drop gears fed into cover, the other 3 I have not decided yet. I may feed the flywheel housing to the rocker cover, or have a feed from the distributor bung, or just have a maze of breathers and T pieces.

Of course, no idea how well it will work, most likely will breathe oil all over the engine bay!

Edited by Amp on 15th Apr, 2013.


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Great examples above.

So is there any rules to installing one? Minimum breathers? Filter on catch tank or not? To manifold or not? Size requirements?

All recommendations are welcome.


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973 Posts
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North of the Netherlands

Just out of interest; how high does the oil level get into the rocker cover?
(I have the same cover as Alan)


Dazed and Confused....

Sir Yun

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it does not really fill up at all I think (you can run an engine without for testing) but it just splashes about a bit.

That sir, is not rust, it is the progressive mass reduction system


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The main reason I think for keeping the level at least to the top of the tappets is when doing an oil change, when your filling back up with new oil you don't want it running out the outlet to the catch tank.. Alan.

On 16th Apr, 2013 Yo-Han said:
Just out of interest; how high does the oil level get into the rocker cover?
(I have the same cover as Alan)


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It is not shown in my photo, but I also have a pipe coming from the back of timing cover to the other end of the rocker cover, sizes of interal pipe varies with different options people have, I went for the timing cover pipe being about 10mm, and the input, output from rocker cover is 11mm, primary case pipes around 30mm with a 26mm filter on the catch tank all sizes are internal and approximate.. Alan.

On 16th Apr, 2013 Dutchy1978 said:
Great examples above.

So is there any rules to installing one? Minimum breathers? Filter on catch tank or not? To manifold or not? Size requirements?

All recommendations are welcome.

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On 16th Apr, 2013 Yo-Han said:
Just out of interest; how high does the oil level get into the rocker cover?
(I have the same cover as Alan)


Im not sure if he ran the engine with that cover or not but i remember benny had to get his re done because they were low im certain there ar pic in his build thread, its only sustained rpm where any real amount oil is present in there and i know mine goes above the cork gasket but by how much i dont know. i dont have a pic of my current settup

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

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825 Posts
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Sheffield South Yorkshire GB.

I ran a steel cover with the setup in my photo and the outlet from it was lower than it is now for about 3000 miles last summer, and the only contents of my catch tank was water and a bit of mayo, but the point is I run a standard turbo setup and don't do any track stuff, that's the only comments I can make at this time..

On 16th Apr, 2013 Brett said:

On 16th Apr, 2013 Yo-Han said:
Just out of interest; how high does the oil level get into the rocker cover?
(I have the same cover as Alan)


Im not sure if he ran the engine with that cover or not but i remember benny had to get his re done because they were low im certain there ar pic in his build thread, its only sustained rpm where any real amount oil is present in there and i know mine goes above the cork gasket but by how much i dont know. i dont have a pic of my current settup

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973 Posts
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North of the Netherlands

Nice bit of info guys.
(sorry for hijack)

Dazed and Confused....


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Not high at all when running. But you can fill them right up when putting oil in. So it's always a good idea to keep the catch tank above the rocker level to make sure you don't just pour oil in to your catchtank.

On 16th Apr, 2013 Yo-Han said:
Just out of interest; how high does the oil level get into the rocker cover?
(I have the same cover as Alan)


Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.

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