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Home > General Chat > r1 versus 1275 engine weight


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641 Posts
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somewhereintheuniverse near selkirk scotland

just thought id compare engine weights, mini 1275 engine with box and all ancillieries 155kg, yamaha r1 engine complete with ancillieries and loom just under 80kg i know which route im going yam r1 lynx kit il let you know how i get on with this project

give em hell


17 Posts
Member #: 9868

Petersfield, Hampshire

Out of curiosity, what made you choose the lynx kit?

I eventually intend on doing an R1 install and the promotive kit seemed like it gave you more for your money aswell as offering more extras. Only con as far as I can see is having to remove your subby, where as the lynx cradle drops straight in once the old A series is removed!

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641 Posts
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somewhereintheuniverse near selkirk scotland

i personally like the lynx kit as you can if you wish remove the complete install in a wk end and plonk in an old a series for different applications also lynx will sell you the seperate components if your on a budget like i am ,plus it looks like a neater install to me

give em hell


17 Posts
Member #: 9868

Petersfield, Hampshire

Ah, touché.
I'll keep an eye out for your build thread!


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641 Posts
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somewhereintheuniverse near selkirk scotland

just listed it mate in show us yours

give em hell


17 Posts
Member #: 9868

Petersfield, Hampshire

Mines gonna be A-series for another year or so, unfortunatly!


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641 Posts
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somewhereintheuniverse near selkirk scotland

nothing wrong with the good old a series mate ,ive been there done that so time for a change

give em hell


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Out of curiosity..why spend a fortune for an engine with 70-80 Lb/ft of torque designed to haul around a bike weighing <200kg?


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641 Posts
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somewhereintheuniverse near selkirk scotland

have you seen one in action mate ,have a look 0 t0 60 in 4.5 ish and fairly rapid up to and over 130 mph then theres the noise ,mind you il probably be deaf after the first week lol

give em hell

Turbo Tim

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Woburn Sands

can't beat a good A series turbo for power and sound

16V project underway


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What I would like to see is a turbo R1 mini.

On 7th Oct, 2010 5haneJ said:
yeah I gave it all a good prodding


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On 29th Sep, 2012 minimole23 said:
What I would like to see is a turbo R1 mini.

I've seen one burnt out in a breakers yard before! Got some pictures somewhere of it...


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8215 Posts
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Somewhere around Swindon

You say there is a 75kg difference but how much does the frame, diff and chain weigh? i know not 75kg but is still a fair weight.

My biggest concern would be that the bike engines seem very forward of the effective front axle

On 29th Sep, 2012 mercenary62 said:
just thought id compare engine weights, mini 1275 engine with box and all ancillieries 155kg, yamaha r1 engine complete with ancillieries and loom just under 80kg i know which route im going yam r1 lynx kit il let you know how i get on with this project

Crystal Sound Audio said:

Why should have your name as Fuckfaceshithead !

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."-Douglas Adams


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11046 Posts
Member #: 965
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Preston On The Brook

Reverse gear is a bugger *hehe!*

I suppose you could always cut a hole in the floor and Flintstone it

On 26th Oct, 2004 TurboDave16v said:
Is it A-Series only? I think it should be...
So when some joey comes on here about how his 16v turbo vauxhall is great compared to ours, he can be given the 'bird'...

On 26th Oct, 2004 Tom Fenton said:
Yep I agree with TD........


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

The relative lack of torque is not the issue everyone makes it out to be due to gearing, after all the bikes are geared for 180 mph plus, the minis are dropped to around 110-130 mph flat out, and that mechanical advantage is needed due to the size of the clutch also. I have always been interested in these r1 fwd conversions but never tried one, what has put me off the r1 is having owned a hayabusa z cars mini, I raced it along side a guy with an equivalent r1 engined car, on paper he had a lighter car by 30kg and only 30 or so HP less but the difference was considerably dramatic, I will have a look for the vid, maybe there is something to be said between the torque output between 1000/1300 cc bike engines.

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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641 Posts
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somewhereintheuniverse near selkirk scotland

reverse gear is by electric motor mate ,and i only chose r1 as im no millionare, r1 engine costs between 600 pounds and 1200 pounds to buy depending on milage , hayabusa engine is 2000 pounds and upwards for a descent engine

give em hell


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9812 Posts
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Mitsi Evo 7, 911, Cossie. & all the chavs ...... won no problem

quote=jamie@thefatgarage,29th Sep, 2012]Out of curiosity..why spend a fortune for an engine with 70-80 Lb/ft of torque designed to haul around a bike weighing <200kg?



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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Listen i aint knocking it, Ive been there, for me the total cost of a z cars build (around £16000 iirc ouch) to the difference in prices at the time between an r1 £1500 to a busa at £2800 was a drop in an ocean! Here's the vid mines the orange one, at the start I take it steady because his dad is in my car and he was driving like a twat on a busy twisty bit, at around 1 min in on the main road I give it a tube opener.

Ps;If you think a front drive will be loud, you should try having it in the car next to your left ear!

On 30th Sep, 2012 mercenary62 said:
reverse gear is by electric motor mate ,and i only chose r1 as im no millionare, r1 engine costs between 600 pounds and 1200 pounds to buy depending on milage , hayabusa engine is 2000 pounds and upwards for a descent engine

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Another one of my car there, with guy called chops? filming-he liked it!

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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11046 Posts
Member #: 965
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Preston On The Brook

The problem with the mechanical advantage is that the strain on the transmission is greater. I've seen broken transmitions and chains, and the clutch slip required to get the thing moving ends with clutch replacement at frequent intervals. The fact that there is no reverse gear means as has already been stated to add another starter motor and ring gear onto the chainwheel.

so, while the engine itself might be light and produce 100's of hp, the lack of reverse gear, or a diff will resultantly add a significant weight to the car, when you look at a like for like package.

As for the cost, for £4500 you could have a far more powerful A series turbo motor than the R1

Its just a fad.

Bike engines for bikes and car engines for cars.

Just my opinion *wink*

On 26th Oct, 2004 TurboDave16v said:
Is it A-Series only? I think it should be...
So when some joey comes on here about how his 16v turbo vauxhall is great compared to ours, he can be given the 'bird'...

On 26th Oct, 2004 Tom Fenton said:
Yep I agree with TD........


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

I agree with all that apart from the clutch slip issue on my particular set up, setting off was not a big problem at all and clutch wear negligable. The z cars reverse option weighed a ton and it had all the power of one of my beer farts. There was a whole discussion about it 5 years ago not so much the mechanical advantage that caused a problem with the transmission, more a lack of any type of cush drive which bikes do have,shock loading blah blah ect ect. Imo the z cars bike engined cars only worked as really light stripped out track racers and with people who overlooked the mechanical short comings, mine was not a good road car.

On 30th Sep, 2012 Sprocket said:
The problem with the mechanical advantage is that the strain on the transmission is greater. I've seen broken transmitions and chains, and the clutch slip required to get the thing moving ends with clutch replacement at frequent intervals. The fact that there is no reverse gear means as has already been stated to add another starter motor and ring gear onto the chainwheel.

so, while the engine itself might be light and produce 100's of hp, the lack of reverse gear, or a diff will resultantly add a significant weight to the car, when you look at a like for like package.

As for the cost, for £4500 you could have a far more powerful A series turbo motor than the R1

Its just a fad.

Bike engines for bikes and car engines for cars.

Just my opinion *wink*

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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641 Posts
Member #: 9937
Post Whore

somewhereintheuniverse near selkirk scotland

shouldnt be much clutch slip if at all any as r1 develops much the same torque as a std mini 1000 engine ,i know of a guy with an r1 conversion that can pull away from idle

give em hell


38 Posts
Member #: 4584

Perth, Australia

watched these 2 videos and LOVED the sound!

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