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Home > 998cc > No-budget n/a build


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Germini, black forrest


Little bit about my no-budget 998. Build by Quick-n-Dirty racing Co. *happy* It's only a temporary replacement engine untill EvoIII of my 1300 is ready.

The 998 & gearbox I got for free. It was a late unleaded A+ 998. Which turned out to be a good base. Specs in short:

- 12G940 11 stud head w. 33/29mm valves, ports smoothed
- 1275 std. cam
- LCB & RC40 from the old 1275
- MiniSpares manifold
- K&N replacement filter in Cooper RSP airbox
- Inno 1001 double valve springs
- HS4 carb
- A+ gearbox w. 3,76 diff
- Metro dizzy

I got the head for free, with a cracked valve seat. I measured the chambers in the head with 22 to 22.5cc. Which seems fairly large for a unmolested std. head? The piston-to-deck distance turned out to be 0.5mm. Apparently the unleaded engines have a lower compression! Which came in handy, as the resulting CR is now at somewhere around 10.5:1.

The 1275 cam has more lift than the std. 998 cam. With std. rockers this doesn't pose a problem. Without a gasket, the valves don't hit the head. So there's at the very least the thickness of the gasket (0.75mm compressed) between valve & block. No pockets needed... So I added none.

I filled the recess for the manifold locating rings with JB weld and smoothed them into the port, to have no step in the ports.

With the gearbox I made a little experiment and installed a baffle for the speedo drive housing. Which had less effect than I hoped for; oil pressure still drops. But: it drops later & returns earlyer. At least a smal success. Std. oil pipe!

I've also plumbed in a Metro oil/water heat exchanger. All that was needed was a little material taken off the gearbox & a 5mm spacer behind the std. oil filter head. The oil filter cleares the subframe in any engine position, so it's save even if a engine steady should brake. Metro sandwich plate to rout hose to front.

Attention, it's a bit messy (Quick-n-Dirty)...

What can I say? The std. 998 clutch slips under acceleration *happy* It feels likea 1275 engine, with slight lack of torque uphills. It idles & runs totaly smooth, does 40 to 47MPG.

But what I raly like about that engine is; it's heaps of fun and cost me all in all about 40€! Which means: I can trash the living guts out of it without feeling guilty. If it blows up - there's no money lost. I've never ha that much fun with a engine... My 1275 was 50x more expensive!! *surprised*

Edited by Asphalt on 24th Apr, 2012.

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if you trash it you could sell that rocker cover and make more back than what it cost to build *wink*

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

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509 Posts
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Germini, black forrest

On 24th Apr, 2012 ministef1 said:

You got to try it before you bash it *happy*

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Nice! I have this with my 850 ;] brought stupid amount of mini parts for £100 sold £136 worth alrady so its a free engine now whey! *happy*

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