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Home > 998cc > successful overbore size


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Member #: 2023
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nr Portsmouth ,Hampshire

Hi, as per title ,what is the largest succesful overbore caried out on a 998 block ?? Ive heard its possible to offsett to a 69mm bore ??? Any thoughts appreciated . Thinking for non turbo use . Thanks


4304 Posts
Member #: 1321
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Do you have a set of pistons in mind or just curious?

Or if you know someone with a big band saw cut the top of a block, we haven't seen anything sectioned for a while!

Edited by minimole23 on 6th Apr, 2012.

On 7th Oct, 2010 5haneJ said:
yeah I gave it all a good prodding

Turbo This..

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1767 Posts
Member #: 9165
Previously josh4444

Australia, brisbane

i thought 120 tho was about it?


1909 Posts
Member #: 9764
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You can go to 140 thou then get a stroked crank made up for it to take it up some more CC's

Edit: some 998 blocks were sleeved in the factory, some was not and some had odd numbers of slevees Eg my 998 has 1 & 2 no sleeved and 3 & 4 Sleeved :S

Edited by Chalkie on 28th Apr, 2012.

Turbo This..

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1767 Posts
Member #: 9165
Previously josh4444

Australia, brisbane

is it worth going huge on cc?
i mean 100+ and stroked and is it posable to get the flow rates in a small bore head to feed those big pots?

interesting about the sleaveing of some pots at the factory? cost cutting i guess


1909 Posts
Member #: 9764
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On 28th Apr, 2012 Turbo This.. said:
is it worth going huge on cc?
i mean 100+ and stroked and is it posable to get the flow rates in a small bore head to feed those big pots?

interesting about the sleaveing of some pots at the factory? cost cutting i guess

On the sleeve can't remember who brought it up on here but I think its on my old Project page ive quit on haha

and use a 1275 head :) but cost of doing all the work to the 998 you might aswell buy a 1275 and do the work to that


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361 Posts
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I see an 998 block with 1275 piston on it!!!

Pedro Silva


1909 Posts
Member #: 9764
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On 28th Apr, 2012 sim_ou_nao said:
I see an 998 block with 1275 piston on it!!!

sure it wasn't a cooper s block? they have breaths on he back like 998's

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