Sorry for what is surely a repetitive request. I've done a bit of looking and most seem to suggest setting timing for 24-26degrees...
We tried to get a ford EDIS and coil pack setup (from a US spec junkyard car)and using megagolt we're not able to get it to run with it. Something about the edis not sending out power it should. So we have to go backwards again instead of being able to move forwards into something programmable. The wasted time has eliminated the opportunity to get to a dyno before this weekend's race, hence I'm seeking your advice.
We have been using a trigger setup modified from a motorcycle that allows us to run boost retard (with varying degrees of retard to choose) but we've never before had that feature working. Well, now it's working.
So we're wondering if it's worth using this trigger setup again and trying to run with boost retard, or if we should just us a 123 distributer with vacuum advance and choose the flattest curve in the 28 degree family and then set it for 24-26 degrees of max advance and screw the boost retard feature of the other setup.
Here is the pdf manual of the trigger setup with the timing curve and boost retard options (found on page 11)
Biggest problem we've run in to so far is starting it-- we have to manually crank the timing over to get it to fire, then move it back for the next driver (multiple drivers in a 14 hour endurance race spread over 2 days)
Were running a 998 with a 12G295 head with 1275 valves in it, a stock 1275 (non metro, non economy) cam and a GT15 turbo mounted to a standard metro manifold and 7-8psi of boost. it dynoed @ 62 hp with the metro T3 with 7psi and didn't spool up until about 3500, if that matters to anyone. not sure what it's doing now as I haven't driven it. But we kept lifting the head and blowing gaskets when it had a big bore head on it-- we're now doing the small bore head...
So in summary, should we run just a "standard" 123 curve from the 28 degree family found here and dial it back to 24-26:
or should we try to run more base timing and use the boost retard feature of the Dynatek system found here on page 11:
Thanks for any help/advice you can offer to get us through the weekend without too many issues.