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Home > 998cc > 998 main bearing caps


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Member #: 9645
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South Wales

I'm just in the process of stripping late 60's cooper 998 engine for a rebuild and was looking for some advice before spending any money on it.

The main bearing caps have a groove similar to that in the block such that the oil can enter the lower shell via the hole. Should I be worried about this extra groove at all in terms of strength of the caps?

I presume this was deleted on a+ engines with the introduction of the solid lower shell.

I'm intending to run this Na initially with the injection setup and then add the turbo at a later date. Not looking to go too high power as want to run standard gearbox / drops for now.



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This will be fine.

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.

Paul S

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I can't find any reference to this being a problem in the olden days.

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114 Posts
Member #: 9645
Advanced Member

South Wales

I've looked in the books I have and there is no mention either. Vizard's suggestion re turboing the 998 is to use the later y type head studs and that is about it.

It won't be high revving so not going to add a centre strap.

Not sure what to do about the cap bolts - as I don't like the little lock tabs as they look pretty squashed. Suppose the options are to use some hardened washers, a+ bolts or see of arp do anything better.

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