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Home > 998cc > 1.5 rockers on 998 turbo


49 Posts
Member #: 8462

i have some minisport 1.5 roller tip rockers, would they be of any advantage in any way? im using a standard head and cam.


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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
Post Whore

Betwix Harrogate and York

With the standard head I doubt that lifting the valves a few mm more will be of any real use TBH.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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1137 Posts
Member #: 1450
Post Whore

Near Paris - France

In we talked about the subject.
To summarize, you'd better sell your rockers and buy a cam : more bang for your buck

Rusty by nature

On 23rd Jun, 2008 paul wiginton said:

They said "That sounds rough mate." I said "Cheers it cost me a fortune to make it sound like that!"

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