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Home > 998cc > 998 turbo build

black n yellow

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Member #: 9602

Ipswich - East Anglia

I have finally narrowed down a rough sketch of the build i want for my 998 turbo..
it goes like so..

Standard block (for now)
12g295 head port n polished
Kent 500 cam (double valve springs aswell)
Standard block internals (bar pistons)
Mirage manifold kit
T2 turbo
Standard metro turbo inlet and hif44 carb
Megajolt or similar (never done distributor less ignition open to ideas)
C-AEA647 or GUG702506HG (mini spares stock code) for a head gasket
Straight cut gear set with drops as well
3.44 fd
Mini sport hepolite dished pistons
Small intercooler (thinking standard cossie item)

Thats the build now for the application - 13" wheels and will be a mostly road car (will be Doing santa pod runs at some point)

What do you guys think? is there something blindinlgy obvious i have missed is it a good build or will it blow up?

Paul S

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4 pin diff ?

Do you really need SC drops and gears. Standard will handle 100 lbft/120hp plus.

I assume the 12G295 will be heavily skimmed else you would be better of with flap topped pistons.

Edited by Paul S on 5th Oct, 2011.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
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black n yellow

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22 Posts
Member #: 9602

Ipswich - East Anglia

4 pin diff!! knew i forgot something..
you reckn flat top pistons with a 295 head? what sort of boost will that allow me to run?

Paul S

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Formerly Axel


The unskimmed 12G295 chamber volume is 28cc. Used with flat topped pistons gives you around 9:1 compression which will be fine up to 12 psi with a good intercooler.

To check the 12G295 for skimming, measure the thickness. It should be 2 3/4" if it has not been skimmed.

You also need to add a flywheel/clutch to your list.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

black n yellow

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22 Posts
Member #: 9602

Ipswich - East Anglia

Do well flat tops with an unskimmed or slightly skimmed 295 head
flywheel im thinking fast road/slightly lightened
and fast road clutch


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On 6th Oct, 2011 black n yellow said:
4 pin diff!! knew i forgot something..
you reckn flat top pistons with a 295 head? what sort of boost will that allow me to run?

3 pin diff *happy*

12 psi at 9:1 will be ideal for fast road application, i wouldnt go straight cut if you have to do a lot of mileage.

black n yellow

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22 Posts
Member #: 9602

Ipswich - East Anglia

fair play i see what ur saying about high milage and sc gears.
had another thought.. what about the fuel pressure regulator would the standard metro unit work?


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Wootton Bassett

have a look at my build thread below

1275 N/A Sprite, 998 T2 Turbo Mayfair
1275 EFi Turbo


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Standard regulator will be fine.

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