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Home > 998cc > is it possible?


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Member #: 9040


Is it possible to pocket the block sufficiently to take a 12G940 (head stage 3) and a 276 cam using standard rockers and flat top pistons?
any idea how deep the pockets would need to be or is it just not clever?

any help / advise would be lovely


248 Posts
Member #: 7936
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DK-8450 Hammel. Denmark

It is possible.
15 years ago i had a 1098 with a 276 cam. I fitted a 12g940 head without skimming it and it was ok.
Put the haed on a table. Check how much the valves can open before it hits the table. If it is 9,5mm or more you can fit it right away. No pocketing needed.

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Melton Mowbray, Pie Country

Yes it is possible, but a stage 3 head and a 276 cam on a 998 will make for interesting driving. My 998 with an MG head and 276 cam would happily rev to 8k, but without mapped ignition would not pull the skin of a rice pudding below 3k.

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