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Home > 998cc > 998 turbo questions ???????????


2 Posts
Member #: 9543
Junior Member

hi all
thinking of turboing my 998 want it to be reliable
so dont want it to last five mins, then need rebuilding.
ive also got an a block, which is pocketed
thinking of swapping all the a+internals
and will be changeing any worn components etc.

few questions cuz wouldnt know where to start with a turbo a series?
1.can i turbo my engine on standard internals,it has flat top pistons?
2.would i get more bhp frm useing the a block cuz its pocketed meaning i can use bigger valves?
3.would the gearbox and diff be able to cope with about 80 to 90bhp if there in good nick?
4.what carb would i need?
5.what sort of max boost would i be able to use without killing the engine?
6.whats the best turbo to use i been told a t2?

thanks chris*smiley*


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Im planning a simular project and in the learning stages too,

id say getting you compression ratio down is the main thing, what sort of head did you intend to use, im using a 12g295.

Have a look at my topic in this section and the advice others are giving me, might answer a few of you questions.

A job worth doing is a job worth over doing

Carl S
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You're highly unlikely to get sensible responses to your questions in this thread, as all of the questions you have asked have been answered before.

Use the search function of the forum and all will become clear.

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