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Home > 998cc > few questions to give you a challenge


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Member #: 9296
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ok where do i start?

ive got a standard 998 mayfair unleaded engine in my mini
and im looking for a bit more power
ive just recieved a brand new gt1849v from work.
its from a vauxhall zafira (i think)
i dont mind making my own manifold, as i am very
handy at making things like that.
i do have a few question and restrictions
-i dont have a lot of money as im only 17
-i need the car to be quite reliable
-it needs to be quite a quick process

i have read up on this quite a lot and i still have a few questions
-12g295 head (as used by will h) are quite expensive, how hard is it to convert a standard head to the same spec
-welding up my dizzy is what i have been told by a few people, how hard is it to do and how reliable is this method?
-do i need to change my cam for this spec?
-do i need an intercooler?
-is it possible to use a standard inlet manifold with a turbo carb?

much apreciated to anyone that can help me with any of my queries


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converting a standard head if you diy can be cheap enough. die grinder required. although to get it to flow as a 12g295 might take a while. you'll be better off getting a 12g295 straight off and save the hassle and cost.

personally i wouldn't bother with the dizzy, i tried this method and whilst it worked it wasn't great. I now have megajolt and will never go back - everyone says that. it can be had fairly cheaply too.

std cam is fine (i have a std cam) but as you should have read mg N/A cam is better. you dont need an intercooler but boost is limited without one. and you'll risk detonation on a hot day.

std inlet would work but isn't ideal, im assuming your refering to the cast inlet?

your better off trying to get a turbo carb on the inlet, or using a better flowing N/A one - a lot of people do.

On 7th Nov, 2011 apbellamy said:
Shaft seems nice and snug

On 24th Mar, 2012 apbellamy said:
no no no no, you need more boost! you can never ever come on here and say I have enough boost, that's just silly.

On 29th Mar, 2010 Star Mag said:
these give no problems with good head

Ben H

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Melton Mowbray, Pie Country

Your big problem is the need to be a quick process. Even quick turbo builds are not quick and that is with experienced people.

- A standard 998 head will never be as good as a 295, but it will work and for a first build and you can always change the head later.

- Ditch the dizzy. £100 for a megajolt is money well spent. It will pay for itself in fuel in no time.

- Standard inlet is fine. People just don't use them as they don't fit over the standard turbo exhaust manifold.

A man without a project is like a like a woman without a shopping list.


7 Posts
Member #: 9296
Junior Member

i know its gonna take a while as i have to make the manifold myself, i have until october time to finish the project as i havent got the money to insure my car until then

is there any how to's on how to convert my head as i cannot seem to find one on here

the only reason i suggested a standard inlet is that i have a few lying around that are the watercooled type. is there anything i can do to make it flow better, like polishing it?

£100? where can i find one that cheap, all of the ones i have seen need a cps sensor which means i have to fork out for an edis system, or am i mistaken as to what you are talking about

also can a standard hif44 be converted to suit boost easily?


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824 Posts
Member #: 2065
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you can get an edis system from a scrap yard fairly cheaply. although some seem to think they are selling new parts... you should be able to pick up the edis parts required as listed on the autosports website for around the £30-40 mark.

i opted for the turbo inlet, looking at the 2 inlets, the N/A looks like it probably flows better anyway. polishing the inside will hinder flow, not improve it. fuel droplets will collect on a polished finish.

the head needs to have the chambers increased to suit the required compression ratio for your application. search for "compression ratio" in short the higher the compresion ratio the less boost but quicker spool, lower compression higher boost more spool time. adding an intercooler means cooler inlet temps which allows more boost for that compression ratio.

On 7th Nov, 2011 apbellamy said:
Shaft seems nice and snug

On 24th Mar, 2012 apbellamy said:
no no no no, you need more boost! you can never ever come on here and say I have enough boost, that's just silly.

On 29th Mar, 2010 Star Mag said:
these give no problems with good head

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