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Home > 998cc > T2, what\'s what, cracks, studs & fitting..


275 Posts
Member #: 4600
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Melton Mowbray,
near Leicester

Right! another bombard of questions, and I've already done a search on these things.

A) Are these cracks okay?

B) Why won't it fit?

Do I need to undo something and reposition it so it faces upwards like so..

Also what's been welded in the photo below, I notice the actuator has been taken off as well?

C) What are the correct studs to mate the T2 with the down pipe? (It's a mirage job)
D) Gasket, will paste do? or shall I cut my own out of some gasket material?


If anyone has PDFs or documents with diagrams drop me a message.


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A. Probably ok. Loads of t2's have cracks there. Not using the wastegate (the welded up bit) on the turbo makes it less important. Yours is set up to use an external one off the exhaust manifold.
B. Loosen the bolts and rotate the centre relative to the exhaust bit.
C. M8 usually I think but yours seem to have been helicoiled to something or other... they can be f##kers to drill out after years of heating etc.
D. Metal gasket, off ebay. You can't use normal gasket material.


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1849 Posts
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Oslo, Norway

The one with the external wastegate was just an example picture. The wastegate is what has been welded shut as he is using an external one.


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514 Posts
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Essex - UK

should be ok my t2 was cracked and i didnt have any issues even boost was stable using an electronic boost controller.

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774 Posts
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Wootton Bassett

yeah you need to loosen the circlip to rotate the centre section so the water pipes face the correct way. look up thread on here about need for water cooling.

my cracks were worse and is running fine.

My T2 came with studs

as said, metal gasket needed, i got mine off ebay

1275 N/A Sprite, 998 T2 Turbo Mayfair
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514 Posts
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Essex - UK

rich at mirrage motorsport is a good place for gaskits and he will be able to do the studs

pair of gaskits is £10

he also does the tiny k'nuts that help fittment

"Tuning should be a compromise between what is possible and what is necessary"

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9258 Posts
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On 10th May, 2011 dan187 said:
yeah you need to loosen the circlip to rotate the centre section so the water pipes face the correct way. look up thread on here about need for water cooling.

my cracks were worse and is running fine.

My T2 came with studs

as said, metal gasket needed, i got mine off ebay

The centre section on the T-series Garretts is not secured with a circlip, you need to undo the bolts around the 'snail' flanges.

Any suitable M8 stud will be suitable. I like to use stainless if available, but I have a mix of mild and stainless.

Also, if the exhaust flange is nice and flat you can get away without a gasket, I never used on on my T2.

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On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


275 Posts
Member #: 4600
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Melton Mowbray,
near Leicester

Cheers lads you are all stars.

Dan187 you mentioned the bit fouling is the water outlet or inlet. Is watercooling needed? I didn't think it was.

& cheers for the gasket (I didn't think about it being an exhaust and using a paper gasket, duh) stud and crack advice! All brilliant.

Thanks again.


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3673 Posts
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Quarry Bonk

Some people use watercooling, some dont. The way i think of it is that its there for a reason, they wouldnt have put it there for a laugh. Im definately going to plumb mine in for the effort it takes to do it, even if nothing comes of it.

On 26th Jan, 2012 Tom Fenton said:
ring problems are down to wear or abuse but although annoying it isn't a show stopper

On 5th Aug, 2014 madmk1 said:
Shit the bed! I had snapped the end of my shaft off!!

17.213 @ 71mph, 64bhp n/a (Old Engine)


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774 Posts
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Wootton Bassett

like i say there was a thread a few weeks ago which higlited it and linked to a page explaining the importance and showed how to plumb it in correctly. You need it to self pump the water when the engine is off

1275 N/A Sprite, 998 T2 Turbo Mayfair
1275 EFi Turbo


275 Posts
Member #: 4600
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Melton Mowbray,
near Leicester

Yeah makes sense, now is the time to plumb it in.

And the oil outlet feeds back into where the mechanical pump was on the back of the block, this then dumps the oil back in the gearbox ready for another cycle?

I'll get the T2 fitted properly first and then ask questions about what's feeding to and from where *happy*


275 Posts
Member #: 4600
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Melton Mowbray,
near Leicester

How the hell is it supposed to rotate? I've undone the 4 bolts and removed those, under the 4 bolts were two metal plates which have also been taken off.

I understand it's threaded? so it's just a case of undoing it and rotating and then replacing the plates and bolting it back up?

Well the sodding thing doesn't move, i've given it elbow grease, had it in the vice, applied heat.. nothing.

Am I missing something?


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3673 Posts
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Quarry Bonk might help :)

On 26th Jan, 2012 Tom Fenton said:
ring problems are down to wear or abuse but although annoying it isn't a show stopper

On 5th Aug, 2014 madmk1 said:
Shit the bed! I had snapped the end of my shaft off!!

17.213 @ 71mph, 64bhp n/a (Old Engine)


275 Posts
Member #: 4600
Senior Member

Melton Mowbray,
near Leicester

Lovely! that didn't come up when I searched *tongue*

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