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Home > 998cc > ignition dramas on the rolling road


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took my car to motorscope in northalerton (north yorkshire) today to try and sort out my timing. the operator after a hour of tweaking claims it to be my ignition, as it would misfire at 3,700 Rpm onwards and im only producing 40 Bhp. my engine spec is

998 standard block and gears
12g295 head
R5 T2 turbo
HIF 44 turbo

he said i should replace my dizzy with a electronic one and renewing my leads and coil. ive been looking around and i saw the the electronic ignition pack from mini spares

was thinking of getting this with a new electronic coil and some new leads would this fix my problem. i know megajolt/megasquirt would be better but with the Christmas period coming up im after a quick fix

Joe C

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12307 Posts
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Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex


On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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109 Posts
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what do u mean by shutting the plug gaps up


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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
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Betwix Harrogate and York

What dizzy have you got. If it still has points it is not very suitable unless you have it locked up at a fixed degrees.

You'd be better using the Metro turbo dizzy if you can get one.

Where in Yorkshire are you?

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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im near thirsk the village is called topcliffe. and my dizzy is the standard one the engine is from a 1985 city E

Edited by smudger483 on 16th Nov, 2010.

Turbo Phil

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On 16th Nov, 2010 smudger483 said:
what do u mean by shutting the plug gaps up

He means check the plug gaps, if they're to large you get a misfire under boost. I use 25thou as at 35thou I used to get a misfire. That was on a dizzy though, I've not tried larger gaps on a coilpack yet.



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cheers phil ill have to have a look tomorrow but i might just renew the whole electrics

Joe C

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12307 Posts
Member #: 565
Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

Ooops, didnt mean to put that in caps,

Wintersurfer on here had a similar thing on the rollers recently, it died about 3500 rpm and only made 60 odd hp,

Shutting the plug gaps up a bit totally transformed it, and gave 150hp.

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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'kin hell! Is that why we only got 150 bananas out of the van *wink*

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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109 Posts
Member #: 8630
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cheers joe but i need to renew like wil said i need to get a metro turbo dizzy anyone got one spare


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10022 Posts
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Barnsley, South Flatcapshire

TBH I think the vans plug gaps are mahoosive. Perhaps if we close them up a bit it may help with the little missfire we keep getting.

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


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wil how do fix your dizzy at a fixes degree is it hard to do

Rod S

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There is a BIG difference between what plug gap a spark will jump - especially under boost when the internal cylinder pressures are higher - between a conventional/electronic dizzy that uses a single coil and a rotor arm to transmit the high voltage, and a coilpack driven by MJ/EDIS/MS etc where the coil(s) charge cycle is much higher and there are no losses through a rotor arm......

If you use a dizzy, use smaller plug gaps.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???


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so can i use my standard dizzy if i close the plug gaps?


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Annapolis, MD USA

It is possible, but you need to be careful of what the max advance is as it can be waaaay to high for a boosted engine compared to a N.A. engine. Many N.A. engines advance to 34ish degrees whereas a boosted engine should only go to 26-28ish??? I'm sure someone will post actual max advance under say 8lbs or so....

Also, as others say, you also need more spark power or smaller gaps in the plugs...

my pics....


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im thinking of the megajolt route now gonna pop to the scrap yard tomorrow and get some parts then order my MJLj V4 and give that a go just a quick question on the trigger wheel do you need to remove your engine to mount this or can it be done whilst the engine is in the car


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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
Post Whore

Betwix Harrogate and York

MJ is the way to go. You just need a couple of blobs of weld on the bob weights to lock the dizzy.

You can fit the trigger wheel gubbins with the engine in. But you'll need to get the rad out and undo the NS engine mount and jack the engine up a bit.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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went to a salvage yard today and got all the edis bits for 20 quid not bad and ive just ordered my MJLJ V4 from trigger wheels with the trigger wheel cant wait for it to arrive and fit it all now

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