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Home > 998cc > 998 mj maps and timing


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Member #: 2065
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I've searched but found no definitive answers, so;

Can people post some maps for me to look at and get sn idea of a starting point pretty please!!

And What's the best timings to use on engine over run?

I think I remember someone saying the run upto 56 degree advance off boost to keep the turbo spooled?? Or am I imagining that?!


On 7th Nov, 2011 apbellamy said:
Shaft seems nice and snug

On 24th Mar, 2012 apbellamy said:
no no no no, you need more boost! you can never ever come on here and say I have enough boost, that's just silly.

On 29th Mar, 2010 Star Mag said:
these give no problems with good head


520 Posts
Member #: 2093
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Grenoble, France

There is somewhere here a discussion with the will_h or Rob's ignition map, don't remember. I'm running 29 deg at 1bar on 998.
To keep turbo spooling: I think it all depends on your setup: turbo size, engine size. I was not able to improve response time although I played with lots of scenarios (richness, ignition). I can do anything as I'm writing my own ECU code. Quick shift works well (maintain RPM while shifting) but it's not really turbo related.

std 998 A+, g295, MD266, RHF4, 109hp @0.8bar/5400rpm

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