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Home > 998cc > 998 turbo build qustions

Turbo This..

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1767 Posts
Member #: 9165
Previously josh4444

Australia, brisbane

hi guys first up i dont know much about turbos and what goes into building a turbo engine..

what im looking for is a track engine the cost of the build isnt really a limiting factor..

first i guess ive gota ask what makes a good turbo engine?
im guessing that the larger the capacity the better right? theirs no replacement for dis placement right?
is it all about flow? what goes in must come out and the more in the more out?

what are things that are done to the 998 A block to make HP and Torque?

im good with fabricating parts and i love a good challenge ive got access to a mill and a lathe and a whole bunch of other stuff...

Paul S

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8604 Posts
Member #: 573
Formerly Axel


Get the right head, cam, turbo and intercooler in the first instance to make the power.

Then build it strong enough to take the boost/torque.

There are a couple of 160+hp 998 Turbos about. What sort of hp target did you have in mind?

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Turbo This..

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1767 Posts
Member #: 9165
Previously josh4444

Australia, brisbane

i was thinking air to water inter cooler to save space and give better results
head i was thinking a 7 or 8 port of some kind havent really looked into with is better
id like to do fuel injection
haven't looked at a turbo really but maby the S247 which is a 47mm ext tip compressor with a .55 Stainless turbine housing that acts like a .45 A/R

Paul S

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8604 Posts
Member #: 573
Formerly Axel


The BW S247 turbo is much too big for a 1275 let alone a 998.

Why 7/8 port? Uncharted territory and doubtful gains over the 5 port with a turbo.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Turbo This..

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1767 Posts
Member #: 9165
Previously josh4444

Australia, brisbane

really? wouldn't a worked 7/8 port with staged multi point flue injection and a decant plenum make more torque and hp?

Paul S

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8604 Posts
Member #: 573
Formerly Axel


On 3rd Nov, 2010 Turbo This.. said:
really? wouldn't a worked 7/8 port with staged multi point flue injection and a decant plenum make more torque and hp?

Probably, but only right at the top end.

A worked 940 head will do probably do just as well on a 998. We just don't know how well timed port injection will work on the 5 Port at high boost, high revs and with a bit more cam. Time will tell.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

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