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Home > 998cc > 12g295 just cracked on me AAAARRRGGGHHH


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wanted to get my car on the road for this weekend and when i was putting the new thermostat studs in one of them has cracked straight threw the block.

could i use my standard head just to get it running as i need to move the car, the engine is totally standard and im not planning on running a intercooler, ive got a R5 T2 turbo on the mirage manifold with a play mini 2" exhaust

Rod S

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If your worried about excessive CR and it's just to move it you could disconnect the wastgate actuator and wire the lever arm so the wastgate is wide open all the time and use the standard head. Providing the turbo is all conncted for oil etc, it will just spin fairly slowly and develop no boost with the wastegate heldwide open.

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On 12th Oct, 2010 smudger483 said:
wanted to get my car on the road for this weekend and when i was putting the new thermostat studs in one of them has cracked straight threw the block.

Please elaborate. This was very eloquently put.

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.


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the stud closet to the radiator has cracked the block on both the front and back of the head


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Sorry, what is cracked? The head or the block? I still don't get it.

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.


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the head


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On 12th Oct, 2010 Rod S said:
If your worried about excessive CR and it's just to move it you could disconnect the wastgate actuator and wire the lever arm so the wastgate is wide open all the time and use the standard head. Providing the turbo is all conncted for oil etc, it will just spin fairly slowly and develop no boost with the wastegate heldwide open.

so what would happen if i ran the car on 5 psi of boost


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if the compression isn't sky high and your fuelling and timing are good then it will be ok.

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


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109 Posts
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thanks for the advice hopefully trying to source another 12g295 head for the long run


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if it's only cracked through the very end around the stat housing, can it not be welded up?

Mr. Prawn, the friendly Crustacean- slowly making steps towards forced induction.

paul wiginton
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Braize it

I seriously doubt it!


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On 12th Oct, 2010 paul wiginton said:
Braize it

mmm cylinder head stew. In the oven on a low heat with some onions and gravy. Should be nice after about 3 hours.

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it


paul wiginton
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And suet dumplings

I seriously doubt it!


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i was thinking that could anybody braze it for me that lives in the yorkshire area


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16540 Posts
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King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

PM Benross, he's very good with cylinder heads.

Paul - Carrots and broccoli on the side? Jam roly poly and custard for pudding?

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it


paul wiginton
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On 12th Oct, 2010 apbellamy said:

Paul - Carrots and broccoli on the side? Jam roly poly and custard for pudding?

I think so.

You could look for local bodyshops or metal fabricators who have oxy/acetylene equipment

I seriously doubt it!


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ok thanks will do and when i get the head off tonight or tomorrow ill post a pic to show you all

Edited by smudger483 on 12th Oct, 2010.


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On 12th Oct, 2010 Vegard said:

On 12th Oct, 2010 smudger483 said:
wanted to get my car on the road for this weekend and when i was putting the new thermostat studs in one of them has cracked straight threw the block.

Please elaborate. This was very eloquently put.

er do you meant 'was not' very eloquently put v ?

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..


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7765 Posts
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On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.

Home > 998cc > 12g295 just cracked on me AAAARRRGGGHHH
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