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ok, so i phoned minispares earlier today inquiring on new valves, guides and springs for my 12G295 head, apparrently they are not available anymore from them, could anyone advise me what to buy as an alternative or where to buy good ones.

Meanwhile i would also like to mod a 12G202 head to 12G295 spec, can i also fit the Double valve springs on this head and is the valve length the same as the valves on the 12G295 can anyone advise on this or good replacement valves for this as well?

thanks in advance*tongue**tongue**tongue**tongue*


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have you checked with minisport? i was sure that minispares had them

Paul S

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C-AEG587 & C-AEG588 are the later equivalents in 214N. You will need triple groove collets and top caps.

Minispares have them in stock.

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Caal Paul Ivey of racespec fame. He's got it all. Cheap.

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.


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i was on the phone with them for like 15mins with nog result, i suppose the guy i had on the phone was not on top of his game...

@paul; do you have the correct part no for the groove collets and top caps as it is quite confusing this website...
What double valve springs would i need for this, just to make sure i have everything correctly from the first time...

do you know if they also fit the 12g202 head after the widening of the inlet port?


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Pieter, did you call Paul Ivey? He was fantastic to me on the phone.

The 202 will take the same valves but as you say, there no point unless the inlet ports are opened slightly.

202 with large valves:

31/27 IIRC.

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.

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