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Home > 998cc > 998 with metro turbo t3 setup?


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Well i know the T3 is to big for a 998 really, but im taking my 1275 out soon and iv got a 998 to go in its place, so my question is, what would be better to run.

A standard 998 with the chambers enlarged, running matro turbo setup with megajolt.

Or would it be better for me to completely remove all the turbo stuff and fit a minisport CA1 cam and a 12G940 head?


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you've answered your own question with the first sentence.

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i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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Is the T3 really that bad on a 998 then?

As if i remove all the turbo stuff, it will more than likely never make its was back on the mini...

Turbo Phil

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If you fit the 940 head on the 998 you'll need to have the chambers enlarged as they're smaller than the stock 998 ones.



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On 18th Aug, 2010 Turbo Phil said:
If you fit the 940 head on the 998 you'll need to have the chambers enlarged as they're smaller than the stock 998 ones.

Thanks Phil, if im going down the road of the 940 head i wouldnt be turboing the engin, so would more thank likely leave the chambers to raise the comprssion, but obviously i would need to work out the compression ration for this as i migh make the engine have a silly high compression ratio.


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try it. if its shit swap it.

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


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The only problem with that theory is i would have to remove the engine, to have it pocketed... Admitedly i could fit a 12G940 and have the chambers enlarged and just fit it like that, but then the compression would be low and wouldnt be so great if the turbo is not any good on the 998.

Has anyone got any experience with the T3 on a 998?

Ben H

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Have a search. T3 on a 998 has been done by a few. It will work, but boost only really comes in at about 4k so a pain on the road. It also comes in very quickly.

It is very little work to put a T2 on the metty manifold and that will work a treat.

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I did try searching but it wouldnt let me just search T3 in the 998 section and i got as far as past the 10th page and i couldnt find anything on the T3.

I know what you mean about the T2 but i dont have the spare cash at the moment for a new turbo, adapter plate, oil feed and oil return...

From your personal opinion would you go NA or stay turbo with the T3?

Mr Joshua

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Interesting, as I was heading in the opposite direction and thinking of seting up a 998 head on a milling machine and modifying said 998 head to 12g940 dimensions to utilise the larger chambers. A bit mad but thats just me *tongue*.

On 18th Aug, 2010 Turbo Phil said:
If you fit the 940 head on the 998 you'll need to have the chambers enlarged as they're smaller than the stock 998 ones.

Edited by Mr Joshua on 19th Aug, 2010.

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998 have larger chambers than 1275 (24,5 vs 21,4 iirc)

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Ben H

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Personally I would have a T3 998 turbo rather than a NA. very powerful NA 998s are a pain and low power ones are worse, imo. Unless you don't like performance or keeping up with traffic.

If you do go T3 then you can always upgrade to a T2 later on. However if your budget can't strech to a T2 now you need to consider your budget carfully as a turbo conversion is always more expensive than planned.

On 18th Aug, 2010 tomf said:
I did try searching but it wouldnt let me just search T3 in the 998 section and i got as far as past the 10th page and i couldnt find anything on the T3.

I know what you mean about the T2 but i dont have the spare cash at the moment for a new turbo, adapter plate, oil feed and oil return...

From your personal opinion would you go NA or stay turbo with the T3?

A man without a project is like a like a woman without a shopping list.

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