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Home > 998cc > Toyota Starlet Turbo on a 998


10 Posts
Member #: 7562

Hi All

I have read the various post about the gt17 turbo and the t2 but I am looking for that something different.

I see some people are going to use a ihi rhb5 turbo but not alot of info yet guess it must be to new.

I seen the scarlet turbo being a small engine and kicking out huge bhp maybe I could use that. But I do need to learn loads more about choosing the best turbo

So please give me your ideas


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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
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Betwix Harrogate and York

What is theh starlet turbo turbo? that'd be a good place to start.

Actually I'm trying an RHF4 not a 5

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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6748 Posts
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toyota ct9 i think , about 135 bhp capability at least .

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..


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453 Posts
Member #: 6449
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Brisbane, Australia

Yeah its a ct9, im considering this one as i have a ct9 sitting there in good nick. Might butcher a few manifolds and have a crack at it.

In boost we trust


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216 Posts
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swindon wiltshire

generally ive heard soem really good things about this turbos...good mate f mine had a starlet turbo running approx 195 bhp on his hybrid turbo but even when that one let go and he went back to his slightly uprated ct9 i think it was still good for 160...ill have a woord with him as hes abit of a starlet buff and will know its max outputs etc


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453 Posts
Member #: 6449
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Brisbane, Australia

you've pretty much got it right there, about 160 is pushing it. it's not all that laggy either. makes power from about 2000-2500 on a starlet motor.

In boost we trust


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6274 Posts
Member #: 509
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Isle of Man

looks a nice bit of flange too

would image it could be made to fit a metro manifold without too much 'ado'

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"


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10022 Posts
Member #: 1456

Barnsley, South Flatcapshire

Thats a dinky little thing *smiley*

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


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6549 Posts
Member #: 1149
#1 Basshunter Fan

Force Racing ICT Dept Manager Miglia Turbo Am frum Yokshyer tha noes!

Whats with the oil feed area? Blanked off?

1/4 Mile 14.3secs 96Mph Terminal 10psi of boost.

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6274 Posts
Member #: 509
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Isle of Man

looks that way, from the kits on ebay:



it looks like you just bolt them on, although looking at the gasket for the water flange, the in/outgalleries are separated, so does the water just 'touch' the turbo and flow back? i.e. no internal water passageways? which is a bit wank...

Edited by joeybaby83 on 22nd Mar, 2010.

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"


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9502 Posts
Member #: 1023
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

if its got a nice flange is got to be worth a go eh? it does look nice and small

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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6549 Posts
Member #: 1149
#1 Basshunter Fan

Force Racing ICT Dept Manager Miglia Turbo Am frum Yokshyer tha noes!

Shes got a big hole!

1/4 Mile 14.3secs 96Mph Terminal 10psi of boost.

Fibreglass Parts? -
Split Rims? -


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514 Posts
Member #: 5362
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wexford in ireland

i've a ct 12? slightly bigger, mite modify somethin. have a metro manifold and a t3 flange!

On 5th Jan, 2011 wolfie said:
he floated over to mine for a bit of ring


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453 Posts
Member #: 6449
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Brisbane, Australia

Think itll need a bulkhead box, or run ridiculously short exhaust runners.

I stuck it behind my 998 while i had the carb and extractors off.

In boost we trust


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9502 Posts
Member #: 1023
Post Whore

Doncaster, South Yorkshire

anyone able to confim if the jdm starlet's turbo had ceramic internals?

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett

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