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Home > 998cc > 998 Eaton M45 Supercharged Needle Choice


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Hi all, my mate has built his own suck through blower setup on his 998 domino mini, I went out in it yesterday and the power and smoothness were ace but its not fueling properly all the way especially at the top end.

The motor is a pretty standard 998 A+ with a 12G295 head and running the BINI supercharger fueled by a HIF38, I cant remember what needle is fitted at the mo (will find out)

What he needs to know is if anyone has a good baseline needle he can use to sort out any niggles before taking it to a decent RR.

Im also going down the 998 supercharged route on my marcos but I want to front mount it and do a blow through set-up just for a challenge.

So anyone know a good needle for a HIF38?


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not sure about the eaton kit what does the manufacturer say?

Rolling road is you best bet anything else without fuel monitoring you might as well drill holes in your pistons now..

I run a supercharger and I don't care the TB is on the wrong side.
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manufacturer? he made the kit himself, i cant see any info on what vmax use for it and i darent ask jonspeed.

He just wants to use it for a little bit before taking it to the RR, as long as its not running lean and is driveable then thats all hes worried about at the mo.

Ben H

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I don't think that you will find a base needle for that set up. even thoug we have a few 998 turbos here I would not think that there is a good starting point. I think that we have always started with a standard Turbo needle (BDD?).

If he wants it to run safe, get it to the RR or get your files out on the needle.

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I cant help with an eaton however have a read of this thread, re an SC12 running 10 psi.

I found a BCG which was close for my SC12 aus mini kit. its loads richer that an BDD.. RR is the only way to get it correct

I run a supercharger and I don't care the TB is on the wrong side.
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Paul S

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If he's running the HIF38, then he needs an "A" needle rather than a "B".

Different jet size. AAF SWINGING TYPE

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cheers lads, should get him a bit closer to what he needs, any recomendations on a DECENT RR that can cope with supercharged A series?
Ive been looking at the SC12 kit on the ausmini forum, i heard about it when i was down there over a year ago, seems like a great conversion!

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