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Home > 998cc > Damaged cillinder wall what options

Andrew 998 mini

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Weert Holland

Hi all

I now have the mini on the road ( we did a 7 eavening weekend two man wrecks to riches rebuild) and now in use I have worked out the current standard 998 engine is from 1974 low compression and a bit of an oil burner even after a cillinder head rebuild.

I had a good high compression 10:1 A+ engine sitting under the bench for a while but when removing the cillinder head for the above engine found two large chips in nr 3 cillender wall B*ll*cks.... I was planing to turbo this engine but i think it is now scrap eny solutions new liner ???? can we confirm it has moved on to the A series engine heaven?

It looks like a wrist pin has poked byond the piston at some stage as the scors ar oposit each other and in line with the wrist pin in the piston the scoors are about the size of a 1 penny coin??



Cheers, Andrew

Little car Little power........... For now That is!!!!!

1983 mini down paid, must collect soon and get welding!


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Betwix Harrogate and York

You can bore the 998 upto +120 thou, and pistons are available, so depends how deep the scores are, you could try measuring them.

If it's beyond this then it's scrap. But 998 blocks are still cheap in the UK at least £40 usually gets you a decent one.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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Mitsi Evo 7, 911, Cossie. & all the chavs ...... won no problem

any pics ?

Andrew 998 mini

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Weert Holland

Thanks guys I wil try and point the camara in the right direction later on today. an attempt to mesure the depth of the damage.



Cheers, Andrew

Little car Little power........... For now That is!!!!!

1983 mini down paid, must collect soon and get welding!


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3756 Posts
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overbore wont be a problem,
hope you get it sorted...

On 2nd Oct, 2009 Vegard said:

On 1st Oct, 2009 Jimster said:
I bet my first wank came quicker than your first mini turbo

These new modern turbos with their quick spool up time, would make the competition harder.

On 15th Aug, 2011 robert said:
phew!!! thank you brett for smashing in my back doors .( not something i imagined writing... EVER)

Andrew 998 mini

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54 Posts
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Weert Holland

Hi Guys,

For those interested I have shot some snaps of the damaged bore foto's arnt to good ( new camra still getting to grips with it)

They are on line here:

I may have sorced another engine block allready also 998 cc A+ with a holed autobox ( smacked a kurb stone) still atachd to it.

As for the depth of the damage rough mesurment between 2.5 an 4 mm deep*surprised*

Aha Ive figgured out how to get the photos on here now

Cillinder Three with cillinder four at the top of the photo:

Cillinder three with cillinder two (just) at the top of the photo:

the whole engine ( still in its subframe)

Edited by Andrew 998 mini on 10th Jan, 2010.

Cheers, Andrew

Little car Little power........... For now That is!!!!!

1983 mini down paid, must collect soon and get welding!


3004 Posts
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I seem to remember that if you use a block that was on an autobox you will need to modify the oilpump and feeds to suit a manual.Maybe this applies only to 1275,s ?.

Andrew 998 mini

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54 Posts
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Weert Holland

Aha, Thanks for that bit of info, I will have alook at this, I can have the block cheap eny way mabe som useable parts in/on it.

Cheers, Andrew

Little car Little power........... For now That is!!!!!

1983 mini down paid, must collect soon and get welding!

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