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Home > 998cc > 998 - T2 and lots of budget help for newbie?


104 Posts
Member #: 7904
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Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

Hey guys

Try not to beast me too much as I have spent many longs hours reading past posts before coming on here to ask these questions.

My aim is a cheap and cheerfull 998 turbo with T2 and 6-7 psi 70bhp?

1, Mirage manifolds look the way to go for me as I dont wish to chop the bulkhead due to tightening IVA laws on mods, BUT is there a more cost efective way without chopping the bulkhead?

2, Timing, I have read topics on welding dizzy's "locking" etc but will a MG Metro Turbo dizzy fit/work with my engine without the need for further mods?
Yup I'm just too cheap/broke for a mega jolt/squirt etc

3, I plan to have a crack at dropping my comp down by removing metal from the head (standard 998 unleaded head) should I be shot for this? I'm not looking for massive power.

What cc will I need the head chambers to be?

I have read up about the 12g295 on here but I have loads of standard 998 heads to play with and short arms, but deep pockets.

4, everything will be standard with the engine bar the modded head and turbo fitment, will 70bhp be an achievable target and a reliable one?

I realise I could just drop in a 1275 etc or even get those horsies from a 1000 with nice add on bits but I wish to teach myself the cogs and gears parts of minis and start with something basic and then over time learn more.

Many thanks *happy*

Edited by garrett3 on 7th Jan, 2010.


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On 7th Jan, 2010 garrett3 said:
Hey guys

Try not to beast me too much as I have spent many longs hours reading past posts before coming on here to ask these questions.

big hug

My aim is a cheap and cheerfull 998 turbo with T2 and 6-7 psi 70bhp?

at least

1, Mirage manifolds look the way to go for me as I dont wish to chop the bulkhead due to tightening IVA laws on mods, BUT is there a more cost efective way without chopping the bulkhead?

make your own ? search pauls manifold.

2, Timing, I have read topics on welding dizzy's "locking" etc but will a MG Metro Turbo dizzy fit/work with my engine without the need for further mods?
Yup I'm just too cheap/broke for a mega jolt/squirt etc

cheapest workable thing is to fix the dizzy at 24 degrees (measured with no vac ).roughly ..,leave the vacuum advance on .

3, I plan to have a crack at dropping my comp down by removing metal from the head (standard 998 unleaded head) should I be shot for this? I'm not looking for massive power.

no thats fine

What cc will I need the head chambers to be?

youll have to measure the volume of the head and piston dishes .,and then work it out.

I have read up about the 12g295 on here but I have loads of standard 998 heads to play with and short arms, but deep pockets.

hope you have a girlfreind ! *wink*

4, everything will be standard with the engine bar the modded head and turbo fitment, will 70bhp be an achievable target and a reliable one?

oh yes .

I realise I could just drop in a 1275 etc or even get those horsies from a 1000 with nice add on bits but I wish to teach myself the cogs and gears parts of minis and start with something basic and then over time learn more.

good thinking.

Many thanks *happy*

no probs

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..


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Betwix Harrogate and York

All sounds good to me. You need around 28cc in the chamber to get a little over 9:1 CR. Not sure this is possible on a standard head.

You could put a slight dish in the pistons if you can't.

Not much option with manifolds really, if you can make one it might be cheaper.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


104 Posts
Member #: 7904
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Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

Thanks robert *happy*

Kill me for being stupid but why leave the vac advance on if the dizzy is welded in position?

I did search the above but found lots of posts where some guy was repeating himself and kept starting the same topic over and over??

Can someone explain the logic behind this in simple terms? the workings and weights etc and why the vac advance needs to stay on?
How will I set at 28 degrees?

I'm a body work man as you have probably guessed lol

Yeah I have a wife and I'm hoping she wont mind me doing this in the kitchen *happy*

As for making my own manifolds I would rather help someone with some cash to do it for me, I really do like the mirage set up but at £350 its pulling away from the budget build I had in mind.

I allready have the turbo carb and inlet manifold. £Free
T2 turbo complete £95
Lots of 998 engie parts £free

I will search pauls manifold and see what I can find...


104 Posts
Member #: 7904
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Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

Will_h thanks for the reply

You say 28cc may not be possible in a standard head? has anyone tried to mod a standard head for this application before?

I will post up my results when I try *happy*

What is the standard head cc and comp of the engine as standard?

Sorry for so many questions


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Edited by matty on 31st Jan, 2010.

1/4mile in 13.2sec @ 111 terminal on 15psi


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Near Paris - France

On 7th Jan, 2010 garrett3 said:
Hey guys

I wish to teach myself the cogs and gears parts of minis and start with something basic and then over time learn more.

Many thanks *happy*

If you want to teach yourself, start by working out the compression ratio formula.
You might have red a lot but maybe you didn't red Vizard's book.
It is the bible !

998 Head.
A guy called alpa on here used it and was not happy with the potential.

maybe swap some of your 998 components for a 1098 head ?

If not possible machine it as per Vizard and see what cc it makes.

is your engine high comp / flat top pistons ?
This would have an influence of the CC you need in the head ...

maybe you can go a little over 9 to 1 provided you have an IC and low amount of boost.

timing :
I believe you have to set it around 24 max.

Read Vizard's book (if already did, read again), he states how to force induct A series engine including timing and how to modify standart dizzy

Rusty by nature

On 23rd Jun, 2008 paul wiginton said:

They said "That sounds rough mate." I said "Cheers it cost me a fortune to make it sound like that!"


104 Posts
Member #: 7904
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Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

Thanks Guys, I'm off to find a vizards book *happy*

EDIT: this one?

Edited by garrett3 on 7th Jan, 2010.


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8297 Posts
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Turbo Love Palace Fool


Thats the one. *wink*

1/4mile in 13.2sec @ 111 terminal on 15psi

Turbo Phil

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4629 Posts
Member #: 20
My sister is so fit I won't show anyone her picture

Lake District

The standard 998 heads are rubbish even when worked. Make a manifold, as suggested above & spend the money you've saved on sourcing a decent 295 casting.



104 Posts
Member #: 7904
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Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

Hey Phil

thanks for the info


Edited by garrett3 on 7th Jan, 2010.


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phil , look at his bhp requirement , a stock head should do that no probs ?

on the distributor , you fix the advance mechanism in the distributor so it cant move , then run a vacuum advance that can still pull the back plate round ,this gives advance at cruise and roughly 4 more mpg .

really agree with matty , make your own ,the mirage one is v simple .

build it with a stock opened out head ,and see how it goes ? then strive to find a 295 if your not happy ?

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

Turbo Phil

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4629 Posts
Member #: 20
My sister is so fit I won't show anyone her picture

Lake District

Doh ! Thanks Robert. I see you're only looking for 70hp, so yes the stock head will probably do then. Though if you can afford it, fitting a 295 will be the next big step in the tuning ladder.



104 Posts
Member #: 7904
Advanced Member

Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

For now I am just learning and having a play.

Later on I will go for a fire breather but for now 70ish bhp from a 998 should keep me happy and teach me the basics.

all good fun *happy*

Thanks for the replies

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