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Home > Show Us Yours! > Turbo going onto it shortly


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703 Posts
Member #: 105
1st to provide proof of a running Bimmy Conversion!

Brisbane ,Australia

Yamaha R1 donk, mini running gear, 150Hp & weighs 200kgs & we`ll be shoving the turbo onto it shortly once we sort some silly little issues like handling & traction *smiley*



4304 Posts
Member #: 1321
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Bet that'll move, Love it.

On 7th Oct, 2010 5haneJ said:
yeah I gave it all a good prodding

Wile E. Coyote

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481 Posts
Member #: 7893
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If only we could get descent frames like that in the UK ! Have been searching for ages :0)

Vvvvvvery nice ! (Envious)

My 79 Clubman Build Thread -



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3756 Posts
Member #: 1709
I like granny porn.


is life really that bad you wanna kill yourself?

On 2nd Oct, 2009 Vegard said:

On 1st Oct, 2009 Jimster said:
I bet my first wank came quicker than your first mini turbo

These new modern turbos with their quick spool up time, would make the competition harder.

On 15th Aug, 2011 robert said:
phew!!! thank you brett for smashing in my back doors .( not something i imagined writing... EVER)


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1733 Posts
Member #: 1910
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so thats why MADmatt lol

On 15th Jul, 2009 fastcarl said:
the pissed up clown stood back up, did a twirl and left bollock naked,


1425 Posts
Member #: 690
Post Whore


nice going Matt - is it sitting on your carbon wheels?


If Carling made Mini engines
it would probably be like this one!


48 Posts
Member #: 4179


Have you built it yourself matt?

Do it right the first time and make it mint!!!!!!


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1050 Posts
Member #: 764
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thats wicked... i want


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509 Posts
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Germini, black forrest

Can I have it? *hehe!*

[X] nail here for new monitor


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703 Posts
Member #: 105
1st to provide proof of a running Bimmy Conversion!

Brisbane ,Australia

Ah, er, thanks guys (i think) *smiley*

& John the carbon wheels are ready but i`m waiting for the whole thing to be spot on before i buy the new tyres (American racers) i don`t want an old hard set that`d been sitting around for a few years *smiley*, rather some fresh new ones fitted as soon as she`s ready

ERA ANT, yes mate, my dad was one of Brisbanes early pioneers in space frame race car chassis`s back in the day & i`ve built quite a few along the way, we did have some help with this one from a guy working with the Qld Uni on computer aided stress testing & frame designs etc,,, we didn`t go all out in that respect tho, just enough to help us with some weak points ,,, but he`s working on a full length & width mini spaceframe for me at present as i`m thinking of Jigging the new next one so we can make 30x or 40x frames & make our own R1-mini race class here in Aust.,,, obviously won`t happen over night but we`re working on it...

it just seems far better to me to race space-framed minis with full "Clip-on" type carbon-fibre or fibre-glass bodies with heaps more power & reliability than the average mini donk, than wreck the real things,,, also plans are to have a std R1 version (all controlled items) & also a "Modified" version with turbos (just limit the boost on them to keep it fair),,,then have both classes race the same track at the same time, & maybe just handicap the modified ones to make it a close race for all involved... should be fun to race too *smiley*

I`m working on about 350kgs max (hopefully) *smiley*

the turbo R1 bike that one of my friends (Jonny Allen used to race for Alumalite racing) has 400hp, so even if we only manage 300hp-ish then it`ll still be a blisteringly quick race car package hey?

I have one """potential""" financial backer pondering the leap at the moment, he`s filthy rich & likes the idea,,, just wants to see what CAMS (Aust Racing governing body) says about the first one after it`s "pre-race scrutineer"

We currently have a class here in Aus called """Aussie Legends"'" & Phil Ward (the creator & promoter) runs them as support category for the V8 Super cars (if you havn`t seen them racing then you`re brain dead) *smiley* Anbyways,,, they are all 450kgs & only 120hp & handle like pigs,,, these R1 things are allready by far a better item on the spces alone,,, but i`m sure the crowds will love the minis more,,, Hopefully *smiley*

cheers guys, back to pretending to build & tune Twinkys *smiley*

Our turbo Moke is over boosting, boost controller isn`t working for some reason,,, fark it`s fast tho *smiley*



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9502 Posts
Member #: 1023
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

so when you shipping one my way? *evil*

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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8215 Posts
Member #: 90
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Somewhere around Swindon

i know mad max was made in Aus but.......

Crystal Sound Audio said:

Why should have your name as Fuckfaceshithead !

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."-Douglas Adams


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703 Posts
Member #: 105
1st to provide proof of a running Bimmy Conversion!

Brisbane ,Australia

Well,, a few people on other forums have said that at least there`s 4x big patches of rubber on the ground *smiley* unlike the motorbikes , so it should turn/handle better than a motorbike

& another fella suggested that you can`t really fall "Off" it like a motorbike *smiley*

when we first had it running last year, (before we stripped it down & painted everything) the few mates that were hanging around to watch me kill myself in it had suggested a few rather "fruitfull" names for it,,, one was "Whiplash" cause they reckon that`s what it looked like i was getting during gear changes,,, & another name was "Motha-Phucker"

we`re making up the turbo manifolds & plenum chamber for it at the moment but i`ll be just shoving the extractors back on & running it at local race tracks to sort the suspension more,,, i might change the shocks out to double adjustable ones,,, these Gaz things change both compression & rebound on the one dial,,, feels like they needs to be seperated to help sort the thing.

It`s farken fast , but i havn`t got to the top end yet--> 12,500 rpms in top is geared to 150mph

Ashphalt--> No *smiley*

brett--> it`s only money mate *smiley* & not really a lot of it actually.



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5329 Posts
Member #: 140
Proven 200+bhp & Avon Park 05,06,07 Class D 3rd place

top job, get some videos up when you drive it :)

Best 1/4 mile 13.2 seconds @116 mph
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on a carb?
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on Injection?


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453 Posts
Member #: 6449
Senior Member

Brisbane, Australia

How did you go about building this one? Is it pretty much mini geometry and custom rear trailing arms?

In boost we trust


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703 Posts
Member #: 105
1st to provide proof of a running Bimmy Conversion!

Brisbane ,Australia

best-stig, it`s a narrow rear end for motorkhanas (autotests) & the rear arms are from a moke

i have my metal-fab man "Dale" making up some longer & wider rear arms for street sprints, circuit racing & Hillclimbs/autocross etc

so there is 2 guises for this one

Alll the brakes are plumbed up,,, all the wiring is now finished, the turbo manifold is finished & the inlet plenum is in the middle of being made

i should get it running again within a week & will test her out at my dads race track

i`ll get some vids of it`s first outing

we have a Lakeside "Track-attack" Mini-race day comming up in the next couple of weeks & i`m trying to get it ready in time, but they want mud-guards on it to let me run it with the minis

it may not be ready in time but big deal, maybe ready for the next one then *smiley*



545 Posts
Member #: 2928
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i like this, i've been thinking promotive conversion for my mini then turbo that but i haven't a clue and no longer have funds or facilaties

Jack Jones

Joe C

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12307 Posts
Member #: 565
Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

Beat you to it Matt *tongue*

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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16540 Posts
Member #: 4241
King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Looks fast!

EDIT:Unfortunatly you get a brief glimps of Matt's crack at the end *Sick*

Edited by apbellamy on 15th Jan, 2010.

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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9318 Posts
Member #: 59
First mini turbo to get in the 12's & site perv


Matt do you live on the main road that leads on to ramsey street?


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8215 Posts
Member #: 90
Post Whore

Somewhere around Swindon

wish our roads were that quite

Crystal Sound Audio said:

Why should have your name as Fuckfaceshithead !

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."-Douglas Adams

Joe C

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12307 Posts
Member #: 565
Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

that's how bouncer really died....

Matt smeared him halfway up ramsey street!

On 15th Jan, 2010 Nic said:
Matt do you live on the main road that leads on to ramsey street?

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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9318 Posts
Member #: 59
First mini turbo to get in the 12's & site perv


and todd outside the abortion clinic...

On 15th Jan, 2010 mini13 said:
that's how bouncer really died....

Matt smeared him halfway up ramsey street!

On 15th Jan, 2010 Nic said:
Matt do you live on the main road that leads on to ramsey street?


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453 Posts
Member #: 6449
Senior Member

Brisbane, Australia

Theyre quiet when your quicker than the cops.

In boost we trust


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703 Posts
Member #: 105
1st to provide proof of a running Bimmy Conversion!

Brisbane ,Australia

yeah,,, well,,, i don`t think it """needs""" a turbo now that i`ve had a few drives,,, but i have already got dibs on a late model R1 injected donk with lots more gee-gees & another mate of mine is an absolute R1-freak-addict & reckons he has an 1140cc kit , worked head & bigger cams for me,,,

so now what do i do??? turbo it or 1140cc kit it???

crickey i really don`t think it needs any more grunt,,, it`s just blisteringly quick & i haven`t even got the sticky rubber rings on it yet *smiley*

Oh & yeah it`s a bit tall geared so i`ll probly drop a tooth out of the front Colin,,, er,,,ar,,, sprocket i mean *smiley*


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