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Home > 998cc > center main strap on a 850cc?


617 Posts
Member #: 6558
Post Whore

Pueblo, Colorado, USA

Would a center main strap on an 850cc motor be necessary, or doable even?



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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
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Betwix Harrogate and York

Some would argue that a strap is never necessary. If you are plenning high revs then it's a good idea IMO.

I have no idea about the 850 block but I would assume it is perfectly possible to do something.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


617 Posts
Member #: 6558
Post Whore

Pueblo, Colorado, USA

I am planning high revs. I don't know that I'll necessarily need high revs, but it's going to be a daily car, and I spend a lot of time on the freeway. I want to be able to go 75mph plus without making my ears bleed though. Do you have one on the 998?


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

On 13th Nov, 2009 miniswordsman said:
I am planning high revs. I don't know that I'll necessarily need high revs, but it's going to be a daily car, and I spend a lot of time on the freeway. I want to be able to go 75mph plus without making my ears bleed though. Do you have one on the 998?

What final drive will you be running. 75MPH won't require big revs with most standard FDs

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


617 Posts
Member #: 6558
Post Whore

Pueblo, Colorado, USA

I'm not sure, being a daily, I might go with 2.76, or I might keep the 3.44 I have in it now, just in a quaife rather than open diff. I like how peppy the 3.44 is for such a small car. I know I could get a lot more peppy with 3.76 or so, but I don't need that, maybe for my mk1 racer... when I get that built.


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

Well a 3.44 FD with 165 70/10 tyres gives 4600 rpm which isn't a great amount. I found the 3.44 a little short on motorways though as I like to overtake a fair bit.
I would fit a centre main strap with 6 dash bolts as a matter of course and becasue they are so cheap but I don't know if they are necessary. Hopefully somebody who understands the necessity and function of straps better will help out but I would fit one

Edited by GaryOS on 13th Nov, 2009.

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


617 Posts
Member #: 6558
Post Whore

Pueblo, Colorado, USA

What do you prefer on motorways? As I like to be able to overtake, and with some good sound deadening after the rebuild and a proper dash, even 5500 rpms shouldn't be too unbearable... Besides, I don't terribly mind the a-series scream.


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

I had a 3.1 with my standard 998 and loved it. It was fine around town too. I have a 2.9 for the turbo motor so we will see how that goes

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


617 Posts
Member #: 6558
Post Whore

Pueblo, Colorado, USA

what speeds were you running with the 3.1?


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

I didn't have a rev counter but I could happily reach 145km/h on 165 70/10s

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


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7765 Posts
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I can promise you that a 2.76 on an 850 will not work....

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.


617 Posts
Member #: 6558
Post Whore

Pueblo, Colorado, USA

Even if it's turbo'd and built up in the motor? Seems to work on 998's.

Home > 998cc > center main strap on a 850cc?
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