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Home > 998cc > fast n/a 998cc


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

Hi everyone,
Just a quick question. this is the plan for my 998cc, first off i want to try fitting all of these parts to make a fast road 998cc n/a (i know n/a sucks) just want to try this first. if this doesnt work then im going to slap a great big monster turbo on it. right first off ill tell you the parts i want to fit.

1*competition valves
2*extra strong double valve springs
3*MED 1.5:1 roller rockers
4*forged crank wedged and bladed
5*adjustable belt drive
6*forged pistons
7*billet ultralight flywheel

mini already has stage 1 kit but might play around with the exhaust and carbs, dunno if twin carbs or bike carbs would be best.

just need some comments if this sound ok or not? i know your all turbo lovers but just want to mix it up a bit. any comments are welcome and would help me loads thanks guys.

Paul S

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Formerly Axel


Well, with that spec you may get 50hp.

Head, cam and carburation will determine what power you make, not fancy named gimmicks.

Get some books on the subject.

Also, we are getting over 100+hp from standard bottom ends and cast pistons.

Edited by Paul S on 24th Oct, 2009.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

I voted!

I recently built a 998 with a Swiftune SW10 cam, 12G940 head and Weber DCD carb. Other than that it was bog standard. It was amazing fun and the best engine I've had in the car so far. The conception that you can't put a wild cam in a 998 is rubbish in my opinion.

I wouldn't bother with any of the fancy kit you have there though. The crank,forged pistons and belt drive are a bit excessive. Just get a nitrocarburised and reground crank and minispares mega pistons. What head casting are you intending on using?

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


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6274 Posts
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Isle of Man

right, firstly none of any of the items you mentioned will actually improve power.

competition valves? in the std crappy head? waste of time, find a 12g295 and stick that on

extra strong double valve springs - why?

1.5 roller rockers - why?

forged crank - why?

adjustble belt drive - why?

forged pistons - why?

u/l f/wheel, yes ok, that might help acceleration a shade

how much power are you wanting? a single hif will be more than pretty much 99% of all na pp8s produce, so again - why?

have a good think, maybe read one of vizards books, it will save you a lot of wonga

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

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10022 Posts
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Barnsley, South Flatcapshire

Is your 9 key broke joey?

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

WOW thanks guys i think i might be a bit over my head here. so all these fancy high costly parts dont really mean high power and speed? im going to get that book a.s.a.p. I will try and find a 12g295 and slap that on. i didnt think the single hif would be enough but if you think it will then why change it hay! cheers guys will bin all my last ideas and start from scratch ha ha


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

Nothing below piston crowns makes power *wink*

EDIT: Hopefully nobody noticed that :$

Edited by GaryOS on 24th Oct, 2009.

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

so its all about the head really?


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

Head and cam, yes

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

kent cams good?


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

kent cams good?


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

12g295 or 12g940 with kent cams and singlr hif carb should be a good mix for some fun?


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

Kent make alot of cams.
P.S. you only need one for an A-series

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

garyOS can you get a sw10 cam for the 998 or can you only get it for the 1275?

Joe C

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12307 Posts
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Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

the cams will fit 998 or 1275.

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

cool and should i get the swift tune duplex set or mix and macth my own set up?


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1424 Posts
Member #: 2810
Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

The swifty duplex kit is great. I bought it with my SW5 for the 1098 but it's not essential. You can just use offset keys with a non-adjustable setup to get the same results if you're on a budget

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best

Paul R

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4018 Posts
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Back to Fucking Tool status


why bother? if you want to do it on a budget get a 1275, nice cam, mild head work and a single 44 manifolw exhaust system or somthing and this will give a good amount of power when setup, alot cheeper than a 998.

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13 Posts
Member #: 7364

i wanna stay 998 so if i enter it into a class i want it to stay in the lower class so 1275 is not what i want really. i just want a quick 998 road car that i can take to castle combe and stuff to have a good old laugh on the odd weekend.


115 Posts
Member #: 2830
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Costa del Northern Ireland :)

My first engine was a 998 with a few mods Mg metro head with pocketed block Swiftune sw5 cam Minispares stage one kit. 11-1 compression ratio it was rebuilt with new bearings pistons etc and ran the original 1 1/2 inch su carb and airbox with k&n element filter it made 73 bannanas and 65 curlies. It was faster than most tuned 1275 minis but lacked the legs for most trackdays so it now it has a turbo, 110 bannanas and 87 curlies at 7psi all I did was lower the compression the rest of the engine is the same spec. But more boost is to come in the spring along with a new turbo to replace the huge old t3

That mini is determined to Kill me!!!!


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

thats a good spec (with out turbo) thats wot im looking at trying to get. just got a 29g295 head and going to work that for a while then im doing the cams on the weekend and the tune up aftert that.


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453 Posts
Member #: 6449
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Brisbane, Australia

Get a shorter final drive, will lower your top speed, but make it accelerate faster. And get it as light as possible.

Or put an k100 on it.

In boost we trust


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

yeah final drive change would be a very good option didnt think about at all


13 Posts
Member #: 7364

i have 13" depp dish wheels on my mini with miglia arches (wheels 175/50x13) has any one got any pics of this set up so i can see wot minimum height i can get out of these pleas?


617 Posts
Member #: 6558
Post Whore

Pueblo, Colorado, USA

Nothing below the head makes power? Maybe not directly... Better bottom end means you can get more power out of it though. I don't know about the necessity of forged, but definitely having work done is worth it, if you're looking for high figures.

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