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Home > 998cc > carb convertion to turbo carb


67 Posts
Member #: 6876
Advanced Member


hi, its it possible to convert a hif44 na to suit a turbo application?

i was wondering if the breather pipe on the carb was connected to the pressured hose (intake from turbo to carb), this would balance the pressure in the float chamber and the pressure running through the carb (past the needle). This way the carb would affectivly work as normal.

Or am i a mile off! lol

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

104.7bhp NA
14.36 1/4 mile
5.3sec 0-60


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theres a guide on here somewhere, but i cant find it anywhere


67 Posts
Member #: 6876
Advanced Member


i was looking through the 988 help, got to 2005 and gave up lol

104.7bhp NA
14.36 1/4 mile
5.3sec 0-60

Paul S

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8604 Posts
Member #: 573
Formerly Axel


Odd question for the 998 section.

However, there is an index thread in FAQ that should be topped:

Look at the Carb Mods threads.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


67 Posts
Member #: 6876
Advanced Member


cheers. yea i was bit unsure were to put it *Confused*

104.7bhp NA
14.36 1/4 mile
5.3sec 0-60

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