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Home > 998cc > Poor running on my N/A 998


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Member #: 2480
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Hi all

I use my 998 (D reg) as a daily commute and there seems to be a few problems with it.
After it up to normal running temp, at the top of the rev rang in 3rd or 4th, there are really bad flat spots. To get through it i have to pull the choke out but all it does is reduce to flat spots. Also on doing this you can feel the cars speed pic up. This is all happening at 60ish mph. It does do it sometimes at around 20mph. Through mid range you can feel the odd jolt but nothing like the flat spotas at about 60.

Everything is standard. The exhaust is blowing where it joins the maniflod. Im getting an rc40/lcb setup shortly to sort all that out or a stage 1 kit.

Also noticed that at a constant speed of 70 (ie motorway run) the temp gets very high. Could all the above be down to the car running lean/rich?

Any help would be a great help




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sounds like a rolling road session will sort it out. Sounds like it's leaning out wrong needle? They can also checking the timing etc to make sure everything it running correctly.

has it just happened?

I run a supercharger and I don't care the TB is on the wrong side.
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301 Posts
Member #: 2480
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Yes. I thought it may have been no oil in the dash pot but thats fine. Slark have a rolling road i can use but as they still havent finshed my charger conversion i guess they are busy :(


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8506 Posts
Member #: 16
Sold the turbo and seeing what the C20XE can do!

Near Lincoln

yeah the blowing manifold wont help and if your going for a stg 1 then getting the right needle will make loads of difference.

A quick and cheerful RR should sort it and also save you money longterm as it should use a lot less petrol! *smiley*


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Somewhere around Swindon

timing can cause it to run hotter, blowing exhaust wont help with the running at all

Crystal Sound Audio said:

Why should have your name as Fuckfaceshithead !

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."-Douglas Adams


301 Posts
Member #: 2480
Senior Member


Also had a look in the rad this morning and there was loads of brown froth at the top of the rad


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