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Home > 998cc > ecu setup ???


62 Posts
Member #: 3668
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NEW ZEALAND - moving to Australia

hey people just wanted to no i found this ecu and its a good price but i wanted to no if i can use it on my mini im not to clued up with stuff like this, is a Injec EM2 programmable ECU, if any 1 can tell me weather im heading in the right place and how hard it would be to setup. cheers guys:)

1966 MK1 1034CC TURBO MINI

Ben H

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Melton Mowbray, Pie Country

What do you want to do with it? Any links to information on the web?

A man without a project is like a like a woman without a shopping list.


62 Posts
Member #: 3668
Advanced Member

NEW ZEALAND - moving to Australia

um its on a local trade site call, i want to use it to retard the timing when it come on boost, i was goin to just weld up bob weight or wateva they are call, i just thought it would be beter to have some sort of ecu to do this than weld them up.

1966 MK1 1034CC TURBO MINI


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King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

get megajolt. job done.

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it


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