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Home > 998cc > just searched about for a supercharger 998 build and mine needs help


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i just bought a m45 supercharger thats done very low miles from ebay i am after putting it on my 998 i know i need a belt tensioner and i am going to be getting this from vmax

i was just wondering do i need to mod my pulley that the supercharger belt goes to? also i am going to use a decompression plate what cc do i need its a standard 998 and will be using standard pulley size and no skimming has been done to standard head

998cc city E stage one fitted at the moment and what sorted of extra power will i get from it with the charger oh and its going to be suck through


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Betwix Harrogate and York

If you're going to be building this engine, you should really know the answers to these questions. Unless you understand, you will go the same way as many others who have tried to build similar engines, i.e. up in smoke.

When I built my first turbo motor, I decided a target bhp that I wanted, then worked out what I needed to achieve this. Not just bolt stuff on and hope for the best.

Based on what questions you have asked so far, I think it may be sensible to buy a kit for your first install.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.

Turbo Phil

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Agree with Wil, plus the standard head is crap, if you're looking for any kind of decent power get a 295 on there.


Paul S

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The M45 is a bit too big for a 998, so your first problem will be to get a special pulley designed and made so that you can get the speed down to something suitable.

Then you will get too much heat as the blower is operating inefficiently. Then you'll have head gasket problems. Then you'll get burnt pistons because of detonation. Then you'll wish you never started.

Please excuse my Monday morning negativity.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


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On 15th Jun, 2009 Paul S said:
The M45 is a bit too big for a 998, so your first problem will be to get a special pulley designed and made so that you can get the speed down to something suitable.

Then you will get too much heat as the blower is operating inefficiently. Then you'll have head gasket problems. Then you'll get burnt pistons because of detonation. Then you'll wish you never started.

Please excuse my Monday morning negativity.

Wish someone had told me that a couple of years ago...............oh well we live and learn!


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10022 Posts
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Barnsley, South Flatcapshire

Have you been charging a 998 too Andy?

On 15th Jun, 2009 Andy500 said:

On 15th Jun, 2009 Paul S said:
The M45 is a bit too big for a 998, so your first problem will be to get a special pulley designed and made so that you can get the speed down to something suitable.

Then you will get too much heat as the blower is operating inefficiently. Then you'll have head gasket problems. Then you'll get burnt pistons because of detonation. Then you'll wish you never started.

Please excuse my Monday morning negativity.

Wish someone had told me that a couple of years ago...............oh well we live and learn!

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


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Sorry, no mines a 1293, but the problems with the M45, boost pressure and corresponding charge temps have all reared their heads on mine. Wish i had gone the turbo route in all honesty.

Home > 998cc > just searched about for a supercharger 998 build and mine needs help
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