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Home > 998cc > My 998


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Ayrshire, Scotland

Olla alll

i have full intensions of doing this.
Basically in a week or so, i will be getting my 998 on a subframe and bring it home.

I will be taking it to bits and cleaning everything and then re-building it from scratch using mostly new parts.

Only thing is i dont have the i am hoping that by doing this rebuild i will learn some more...also i want to turbo it wen i rebuild it for giggles...

So plans i have (like i said little to no knowledge so if i say something that cannot be done dont go off on one at me *happy*)

rebuilding using new;
Roller Rockers
bigger head (1275 or something)
Straight cut drop gears

um...think thats all i can think of off the top of my head...but yeah obv the turbo parts, what i can get new i will get...

Comments welcome...and also if i have said something that cannot be done (the 1275 head for example) please inform me...

also i dont understand dumb ass term *happy*


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67 Posts
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Ayrshire, Scotland

Also, Denis (evolution) said

you also need to think about the distributor , you can run one, but most convert to megajolt and EDIS for ignition.

Could i just run a leccy ignition? whats the diffrences of the above? never heard of them in my nelly puff


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Glasgow, Scotland





etc :) plenty more threads where i found those on the search mate, do a bit of homework and youll get an idea what you need!

turbo 16v k-series 11.9@118.9 :)

Denis O'Brien.


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67 Posts
Member #: 5547
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Ayrshire, Scotland

HA cheers fella, i was reading other threads there, (doing the same as what u've done but i havn't posted anything)
just looking through other peoples builds etc...and watching Ali


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Rotherham, South Yorkshire

There's a good thread on megajolt. basically you get full control of when you get your spark, controlled by a brain.

Even if you use an electonic dizzy you're still relying on springs and weights to control advance. The electronic bits in the dizzy just replace the points and condensor.

Edited by apbellamy on 15th Mar, 2009.

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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dont go and blow a load of money on high lift rockers. They are not ideal on a 998 especially if you are going for a 1275 head just select a good cam. others may say different

My small bore turbo project


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67 Posts
Member #: 5547
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Ayrshire, Scotland

i've heard that since writing this.
Also started buying parts for this this week and as of saturday (with advantage come for the gtm :() i'll be going to aberdeen for my 998 and picking up my turbo parts next week.


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67 Posts
Member #: 5547
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Ayrshire, Scotland

I've been offered a t2 turbo off a feista turbo, the guy says

as far as I can tell if anything it might just need new oil seals, but as I say I dont know, theres minimal play so you'd imagine its fine.

is this worth buying and would it be usable on the engine???


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2909 Posts
Member #: 83
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Glasgow, Scotland

no, "nmay need new oil seals" is a polite way of saying its fucked. buy somthing else.

turbo 16v k-series 11.9@118.9 :)

Denis O'Brien.

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