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Home > 998cc > 1098, loads of questions


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1137 Posts
Member #: 1450
Post Whore

Near Paris - France

After breaking my gearbox on the 998, I had a search for an engine and I found a 1098.
1098 sounds cool because I can build a higher comp engine in a "no head skimming" engine (I have a 12G295)

Can I get information such as diff ratio and compression with the engine number ?

Will the standart 1098 piston withstand 8 to 10 PSI ? (assuming an IC is fitted and 8.7 to 9 compression ratio)


Rusty by nature

On 23rd Jun, 2008 paul wiginton said:

They said "That sounds rough mate." I said "Cheers it cost me a fortune to make it sound like that!"


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3692 Posts
Member #: 1833
Formally mini_majic

Auckland, New Zealand

that will tell you the diff ratio for the engine number unsure if that will tell you CR but a google search should reveal all.


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1137 Posts
Member #: 1450
Post Whore

Near Paris - France

Cheers for the link

Apparently the engine code I have been given is not in the list (791). Anyway all of them have a 3,44 diff which will be too high when turbo is installed ...

Oups, and I forgot about the pre-verto vs verto clutch => does this have a link with the pre-engaged starter motor ?

Rusty by nature

On 23rd Jun, 2008 paul wiginton said:

They said "That sounds rough mate." I said "Cheers it cost me a fortune to make it sound like that!"


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1137 Posts
Member #: 1450
Post Whore

Near Paris - France

Obviously gearbox on the 1098 I found is also pre A+

Gearbox also changed with the A+ engine including a gear selector shaft quite smaller (14 vs 18 mm).

Am I looking for trouble fitting this gearbox ?

Because if the 1098 road is only good if you convert a full A+ 998 and, according to my power calculator, only worth a mere 6 bananas at 10 PSI over a 998 (because the valve area to capacity ratio is not as good), I think it is not worth the hassle ...

I thought 1098 was a good way to build a higher comp engine without touching the head but pistons for 1098 don't seem to have decent CR ...

Rusty by nature

On 23rd Jun, 2008 paul wiginton said:

They said "That sounds rough mate." I said "Cheers it cost me a fortune to make it sound like that!"

Home > 998cc > 1098, loads of questions
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