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Home > 998cc > t2 turbo, what car?


4 Posts
Member #: 4975
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hi i know people use the t2 from a renault 5, what other cars is it possible to use the t2 turbo from?

will a t2 from a ford diesel engine be ok?

cheers, dan

Ben H

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Melton Mowbray, Pie Country

The R5 T2 is by far the most suitable. It has the correct flange, is reasonably plentiful and works quite well.

One from a fiesta may be ok, what are the specs of it. I think that the flange is different on the fords though that makes them more difficult to fit.

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315 Posts
Member #: 3013
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Epsom Surrey

i think the exhaust housing would be way to big from a fiesta rs turbo as its 1600 and going on a 998!!

im using a t2 off a fiat uno and it seems to work really well!!!


4 Posts
Member #: 4975
Junior Member

ive found a t2 from a escort diesel, going to have to have a look and see if it will fit,

i havnt seen a t2 from a renault 5 or fiat uno so dont know what il be comparing it to.

Ben H

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3329 Posts
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Melton Mowbray, Pie Country

On 21st Jan, 2009 DD_Racing said:
i think the exhaust housing would be way to big from a fiesta rs turbo as its 1600 and going on a 998!!

im using a t2 off a fiat uno and it seems to work really well!!!

It turnd out that in reality the size of engine it comes off is only a starting point. We run a GT17 on the race car and that is off a 2000cc Saab. I would happily run it on the road too. It is all about the map and the trim.

How did you find mating the fiat uno turbo to the manifold, it is 3 bolt, is it not?

A man without a project is like a like a woman without a shopping list.


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Betwix Harrogate and York

On 22nd Jan, 2009 danyboy said:
ive found a t2 from a escort diesel, going to have to have a look and see if it will fit,

i havnt seen a t2 from a renault 5 or fiat uno so dont know what il be comparing it to.

The R5 has A/Rs as follows, turbine .35, compressor .48

If the turbo you have is the same, then it'll be fine.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


444 Posts
Member #: 2885
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Fiat Puntos use an IHI something, small, 4-bolt im looking into, should be as easy as making an adpator plate as for T2..
RS Turbo's also have 4-bolt T2 exhaust housing.


315 Posts
Member #: 3013
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Epsom Surrey

well my uno turbo is a 4 bolt and like a exactly square flange!!

i just had a adapter plate made up and im really happy with it!!

it is a ihi turbo and i think there the same as on a punto turbo??


444 Posts
Member #: 2885
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cool, got a pic?


315 Posts
Member #: 3013
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Epsom Surrey

i can sure get one!!

mind you though i can see why people got for renault 5 units as ther very plentiful!

i havnt seen a uno turbo unit for god knows how long!!! apart from mine every now and then lol


444 Posts
Member #: 2885
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To be honest, I've jsut been scouring ebay for a small turbo from a petrol engine, so long as its a 4-bolt flange.
T2 or not im going to have to make adaptors for it.
Im searching KKK garett ihi etc, I cant find any R5 T22's for less than about 80 quid! How much did you pay if I may ask..


315 Posts
Member #: 3013
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Epsom Surrey

i paid 80 quid for the manifold with flange and turbo that done 200 miles and a custom downpipe


315 Posts
Member #: 3013
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Epsom Surrey

hopefully this link works for the pic!!


444 Posts
Member #: 2885
Senior Member

wow sweet!
Was that made esp. for your application or off the shelf?
I have seen those exhaust flange plates with seperate wastegate holes before, only on ebay though..


315 Posts
Member #: 3013
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Epsom Surrey

nah my old boos made it for a cutomers 1380 turbo but a valve seat dropped n fucked the enginge but the turbo lived so i had it off them 4 cheap!!

the downpipe was made by a bloke who used to do manifolds for formula 1 back in the day, was just somthing he knocked up quick!!


444 Posts
Member #: 2885
Senior Member

I am in the process of making a dump pipe just like that!
With the wastegate dump pipe joining alot further down space permitting.
How is yous going? Ill get some pics of mine up.
Made the flange with a plasma cutter and a carbide burr, not fun one bit!
Did you use a gasket at the turbo face and did you need to skim it flat after welding??

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