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Home > 998cc > Advice needed!!


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Member #: 4180
Junior Member


right here goes, my original plan after gettin the mini bug again was to buy a new turbo engine rather than going down the metro turbo route as i am a novice as far as all this is concerned. Then after reading up on the 998 turbo projects alot of you are doing got me thinking would it b easier to turbo the 998 ive already got in there im looking for something in the region of 110-120 bhp but i dont really understand psi figures boost etc that everyone is talking about. my mini is a completely standard rover city 998 would i save money by turboing this? if so what would i need for the job? ive been reading alot of the other posts and i gather i would need a standard metro cam, t2 turbo off r5gt turbo, mirage manifold (if not cutting bulkhead) mpi fuel tank? and metro turbo carb also a new head on my old mini i had a stage 3 head from morspeed would this do the job rather than sourcing a 12g295?

sorry for the long post guys but ive been reading through these pages for days so thought id better get some direct answers CHEERS in advance

Ben H

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3329 Posts
Member #: 184
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Melton Mowbray, Pie Country

I guess you have read this?

It sounds like you have some idea of what you want. I will say that 110-120 bananas with a standard 998 bottom end is pushing it, but 90-100 should be possible.

The morspeed hed will probably not be suitable as you will need to get the CR down and I would guess that he stage 3 head will have been skimmed.

A man without a project is like a like a woman without a shopping list.


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9812 Posts
Member #: 332
Resident Cylinder Head Modifier

Mitsi Evo 7, 911, Cossie. & all the chavs ...... won no problem

the head, i may be able to lower the cr down on it ben


7 Posts
Member #: 4180
Junior Member


so are there any after market heads that wud do the job? 100 bhp wud b fine just want something nippy 2 rip round in yeah i read the 20 hour turbo page but due to my lack of knowledge i just need a litle more detail than most


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9812 Posts
Member #: 332
Resident Cylinder Head Modifier

Mitsi Evo 7, 911, Cossie. & all the chavs ...... won no problem

whats the casting number on your morspeed head

Ben H

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3329 Posts
Member #: 184
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Melton Mowbray, Pie Country

Before you go much further you do need to start understanding boost and how a forced induction engine works. I am sure there are some interesting reads on wikipedia or the like. Without some more knowledge it will be difficult to get it going properly, we can only help so much from a keyboard.

A man without a project is like a like a woman without a shopping list.


7 Posts
Member #: 4180
Junior Member


whats the casting number on your morspeed head

i dont know i sold the head but the boy i sold it 2 is selling it i was wondering if it was worth buying it back

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