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1105 Posts
Member #: 1504
Post Whore

Westbury, Wiltshire

Hi guys.

Bit slow at doing this but the van is now finished and has been on the road for a few weeks so I thought I'd post up some pics (might be a few posts as there are a about 16 pics).

Also, many thanks to those on TM that have given me help and assistance with my MS installation particularly when I had misfire problems (sorted in the main by fitting a 20 micro Farad capacitor on the live feed to the coil pack).

As for spec:

Modified MT Garret T3 Turbo, 360 degree job, currently running 16 psi with water injection and knock retard on a Megasquirt 1 v3 ECU with 21 psi MAP sensor.

AP2 cam, belt drive, MED wedged, bladed crank, straight cut Tran X box and Tran X 4 pin diff, MT verto flywheel (with a mod I did myself to increase spring stiffness), centre main strap.

Omega pistons with 8.1 static CR, new MPi head (beak removed), reshaped chambers, tunnel ports, 6 mm 36 x 31 valves (cut by the now defunct Honeycrock Racing), Avonbar 1.5 Forged rockers, 10 mm ignition leads, Ford Wasted Spark coilpack, 36-1 VR crank sensor, MPi/SPi Air and Coolant sensors, self made plenum (using Meastro/Montego N/A as basis), dump valve, 37 mm carb throat restrictor, solid jet holder, modified needle.

Ford Series 1 RS Turbo intercooler, self made stainless intercooler pipes, MT Aux water rad and NMocal 10 row oil cooler, water injection tank below alternator.

To ensure engine health I've fitted: a GReddy Profec 2 Boost Controller, AEM Wide Band AFR, analogue boost gauge, oil press/water temp gauges, oil temp gauge, tacho, intercooler delivery temp gauge. All housed with relays and fuses in LH and RH glove boxes.

Just need a bit of fettling with spark and fuel and she'll be ready for her second visit to the dyno.

I've heard good things about Stuart Gurr at VMax. I live near Bath, what do you guys recommend ?

Cheers guys.


Minivanless, but reluctantly happy living with the decision. There'll be another one day.


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1105 Posts
Member #: 1504
Post Whore

Westbury, Wiltshire

Will be in Mini Mag this month apparently.



Minivanless, but reluctantly happy living with the decision. There'll be another one day.

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8506 Posts
Member #: 16
Sold the turbo and seeing what the C20XE can do!

Near Lincoln

looks very stealth. nice *smiley*


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730 Posts
Member #: 1791
Post Whore

Cranleigh, surrey

very clean indeed, i take it with the painted underside it won't be seeing much of the british weather?

"Cars are a lifetime of pain"


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!


Fuck me !!

That has had some time spent on it!

Show winning quality!

In the 13's at last!.. Just

Joe C

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12307 Posts
Member #: 565
Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

Very impressive!

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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673 Posts
Member #: 1395
Post Whore


Jesus! thats crazy attention to detail is amazing and must have the power to boot.

Will it be seen on the 1/4 and circuits?


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3756 Posts
Member #: 1709
I like granny porn.


looks nice,
a little to shiny for me

On 2nd Oct, 2009 Vegard said:

On 1st Oct, 2009 Jimster said:
I bet my first wank came quicker than your first mini turbo

These new modern turbos with their quick spool up time, would make the competition harder.

On 15th Aug, 2011 robert said:
phew!!! thank you brett for smashing in my back doors .( not something i imagined writing... EVER)


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998 Posts
Member #: 2178
Post Whore

Leyland, Lancs

Holy crap batman! That is immaculate - kudos to you!

On 15th Jul, 2009 fastcarl said:
a breif struggle ensued but Will emerged the victor with a pair of undies in his possesion

On 21st Sep, 2009 apbellamy said:
No, but you did chuck your guts up over my front gate the Saturday before! You even managed to get a bit in your arm pit...


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3756 Posts
Member #: 1709
I like granny porn.


i just see this in miniworld....nice

On 2nd Oct, 2009 Vegard said:

On 1st Oct, 2009 Jimster said:
I bet my first wank came quicker than your first mini turbo

These new modern turbos with their quick spool up time, would make the competition harder.

On 15th Aug, 2011 robert said:
phew!!! thank you brett for smashing in my back doors .( not something i imagined writing... EVER)

Paul R

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4018 Posts
Member #: 1757
Back to Fucking Tool status


why do you have rear coilovers but std setup at the front?

-Ford S-max Mk2 Ecoboost
-Rover 100 VVC #2 - track project

Searching is all you need on TurboMinis


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3249 Posts
Member #: 1194
Post Whore


really nice work, looks great

just hope you get some use out of it and dont just 'show' it..

Rob H

4314 Posts
Member #: 700
Formerly British Open Classic

The West Country

Fantastic looking car, given me a few ideas for the BOC.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:
Nothing is impossible if you are an Engineer


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862 Posts
Member #: 1660
Formally Mini_Uk


Looks Grand mate :) Top stuff..

Shit Happen's

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The boring bloke who runs this place.




4304 Posts
Member #: 1321
Post Whore


Wow, that is the ultimate sleeper. I like it a lot:)

On 7th Oct, 2010 5haneJ said:
yeah I gave it all a good prodding


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1105 Posts
Member #: 1504
Post Whore

Westbury, Wiltshire

Cheers for all the supporting comments guys.

And yes, it does get used, doin a 60 mile round trip goin to work and back at least twice a week since puttin it on the road in June, although I won't be takin it on the strip just yet till the wasted spark and fuel is well fettled. Got a good map which I'll post up next week - I need your advice on where I could run more advance.

I've built, modified, painted sorted all this through my own efforts over 10 1/2 years. Combine with the TM forum, I've learnt so much in that time, it never ceases to amaze me what can be done and how much new technology can be used on the venerable A series.

To answer a few Q's, the plenum is indeed a modified NA Maestro or Montego job, which I cut n shut after stumbling on it in a scrap yard one day. It has the HIF44 bolt pattern but I've drilled the extra hole for the float chamber and changed the inlet position so it clears my Metro clutch master cyl.

As for why no coilovers on the front, I thought the progressive nature of rubber would be better suited with the weight of the engine rather than fixed metal spring stiffness, plus I couldn't justify the extra expenditure when Hi Lo's and donuts were in the garage.

Only been on the road since 5th June - but believe me it's gettin used - it's not just a show car - I am, however, havin my opportunity to 'showcase' rather than pick up silverware. That said, I did Beaulieu 2 days after going on the road and it took a modified class win and best in show. Just come back from Stanford Hall where it won Variants Class, Best Engine and one point from Best in Show - elated and gutted at the same time.

It'll be in Mini Mag next week and I'll see some of you guys at Combe next Saturday 27th. I'll be on the Six-Ex Club Stand.

Come on over for a chat.



Minivanless, but reluctantly happy living with the decision. There'll be another one day.


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5329 Posts
Member #: 140
Proven 200+bhp & Avon Park 05,06,07 Class D 3rd place

nice one pleased it's getting used, just so clean i can't see how you keep it so well! *happy*

Best 1/4 mile 13.2 seconds @116 mph
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on a carb?
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on Injection?


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47 Posts
Member #: 1888

Doddington , march

that looks very nice i saw it at stanford hall last week end and i was amazed very nice.

never underestimate a mini!

Paul S

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8604 Posts
Member #: 573
Formerly Axel


Mini Mag just dropped through the letter box.

This car is the lead feature. Good write up and photos.

We also got a couple of mentions which is nice.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


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5329 Posts
Member #: 140
Proven 200+bhp & Avon Park 05,06,07 Class D 3rd place

nice one , good work on your feature.

Best 1/4 mile 13.2 seconds @116 mph
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on a carb?
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on Injection?


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1105 Posts
Member #: 1504
Post Whore

Westbury, Wiltshire

Cheers Paul , Matt.

Was a great day and bright as hell.

Really pleased with the result.

As I said in the article, I've learnt loads but there's alot to be said for the advice and articles on TM. Couldn't have done without it - especially in resolving fuelling and Megasquirt issues.

See some of you on Saturday at Combe I hope.


Minivanless, but reluctantly happy living with the decision. There'll be another one day.


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2054 Posts
Member #: 452
Post Whore

Chester, UK

didn't this win at cooper day? was chatting to you for about 10 mins really nice car :)


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1105 Posts
Member #: 1504
Post Whore

Westbury, Wiltshire

Some good news results at long last ...........

Following on from a successful day on Tuesday having the suspension and steering fully set up and 4 wheel laser aligned, I took the van back to Stuart Gurr at VMax yesterday for what I hoped to be a much more productive day on his Rolling Road after the trouble I had with the fuelling during the first visit at the end of last year.

Yesterday's visit was the culmination of a great deal of advice and recent success sorting the damn fuelling which had plagued me for about a year until a month ago. But thanks to Rob H for loan of his 'Nic R plenum' and to Robert for advice on boost signal connection to the FPR, I finally sorted it.

The RR results are very encouraging and we only had to use 10 psi to achieve the desired results.

We tried a higher boost setting but my T3 setup with AP2 cam and tunnel ported 36x31 head didn't seem to produce much more power over what we achieved at 10 psi so we stuck with that.

2000 rpm 50.78 nanas
3000 rpm 68.4
4000 rpm 125.4
5000 rpm 138.8
5500 rpm 151.2 peak.

Peak torque was 167.2 curly wurlies around 4000 rpm, can't recall the exact figure.

All figures are flywheel corrected, no loss.

The benefits of getting the car properly setup really showed their worth as Stuart managed to find about 25 extra nanas and on the way home, my fuel economy had risen from 22 to 36 mpg just proving that optimal power doesn't have to come from the expense of extra fuel.

Rundown from 60 to 30 mph in top on the rollers was about 35 seconds with its SCCR box, 3.2 FD and modded Metro 4 pots. This means my setup suffers about 14% transmission losses.

So, thats 130 nanas and 145 curly wurlies at the wheels.

It's mental to drive, especially between 3000-4000 rpm where power is nearly doubled. Well chuffed.

Just in time to blast it up the M5 to the IMM.

Happy days are here again ........



Minivanless, but reluctantly happy living with the decision. There'll be another one day.


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6748 Posts
Member #: 828
Post Whore


well done richard ,take it to the track at mitp?

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

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