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Home > 998cc > 998 +0.120"


238 Posts
Member #: 1649
Senior Member

West Sussex - dreaming of forced induction!

Hi Guys,

Just bought a set of these hypatec pistons and thinking about where to send the block off to be rebored, but first off, does this overbore require offset boring ala 1275 to 1380??

Rob H

4314 Posts
Member #: 700
Formerly British Open Classic

The West Country

In short the bores do not need off setting. I get my machining done by a little local company but that's unlikely to be of any help to you.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:
Nothing is impossible if you are an Engineer


238 Posts
Member #: 1649
Senior Member

West Sussex - dreaming of forced induction!

Marvellous, Ill have a chat with my friendly engineering shop round the corner then :)

Rob H

4314 Posts
Member #: 700
Formerly British Open Classic

The West Country

Forgot to add that at some point I'm planning on cutting a 998 block in half to have a good look at the insides, but that's unlikely to be for a few weeks as I'm running round like a blue arsed fly at the moment.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:
Nothing is impossible if you are an Engineer


238 Posts
Member #: 1649
Senior Member

West Sussex - dreaming of forced induction!

Thats ok, this is for my dad and hes being a bit slow about getting on with it!!


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1346 Posts
Member #: 2340
Post Whore

Dublin Ireland

rob did you ever cut that block in half ?

On 17th Feb, 2009 Rob H said:

I find the easiest way is to super glue the bolt to the end of one of my fingers.


Rob H

4314 Posts
Member #: 700
Formerly British Open Classic

The West Country

I'm still looking for a scrap block but I think I might have found one.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:
Nothing is impossible if you are an Engineer


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1346 Posts
Member #: 2340
Post Whore

Dublin Ireland

Whooo well done that man realy looking forward to seeing one cut up :)

On 17th Feb, 2009 Rob H said:

I find the easiest way is to super glue the bolt to the end of one of my fingers.


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