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Home > Show Us Yours! > Megajolt Install in my Metro Turbo


806 Posts
Member #: 989
Post Whore

North Yorkshire

Finally got the Megajolt installed in the Metro over the last few days. I have only fired it up the garage as the car isn't road legal at the moment, but I hope to have it on the road in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks go to Tom Fenton for the excellent bracket and pulley, and all the knowledge contained within this forum:). Some supporter funds will be on their way in soon.

I have tried to make it look as though it could have been there from the factory (my metro is a shows and sunny days car). Let me know what you think.

The EDIS module is lurking to the right of the heater blower intake.

The bracket, pulley and sensor installed.

Edited by metroturbo on 19th Jun, 2008.


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1666 Posts
Member #: 252
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Sunny suffolk

All look good to me, vast improvment over a dizzy.



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9812 Posts
Member #: 332
Resident Cylinder Head Modifier

Mitsi Evo 7, 911, Cossie. & all the chavs ...... won no problem

superb! install ....are you missing free power form a well installed intercooler ?

Turbo Rich

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158 Posts
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Ashington W.Sussex

Indeed, I think a request for one of Mr Kipling's finest is in order here!


806 Posts
Member #: 989
Post Whore

North Yorkshire

At the moment, yes. I have R5 GTT intercooler to fit but it will require some modifications to the cooling pipe from the bottom of the radiator to fit it in. I have got loads of suspension and brake parts to fit before the MOT so these are now taking priority at the moment.

I would really like to do a full engine and gearbox rebuild before I up the power, but that may not happen now until the winter. The engine is on 80K miles and in the huge wad of receipts for the car there is no mention of a penny being spent on the gearbox at all.

Thanks for the comments :).

On 20th Jun, 2008 BENROSS said:
superb! install ....are you missing free power form a well installed intercooler ?

Edited by metroturbo on 20th Jun, 2008.


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5329 Posts
Member #: 140
Proven 200+bhp & Avon Park 05,06,07 Class D 3rd place

that looks nice and neat, good job.

Best 1/4 mile 13.2 seconds @116 mph
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on a carb?
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on Injection?

Jason G

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4360 Posts
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Braintree, Essex

Nice Job indeed. :)

On 19th Jan, 2010 wil_h said:
I would start the furthest place from the finish.

On 24th Mar, 2012 apbellamy said:
I feel all special knowing that I've given your mum my wood.

Been neglecting Turbo'd 'A' series..............

Tom Fenton
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Fearless Tom Fenton, Avon Park 2007 & 2008 class D winner


TM legend.

Rotherham South Yorkshire

Looks good, you will need to swap the adjustment bar for the alternator around to clear the bracket, its quite obvious how it fits, all that is needed is to drill out the hole to 3/8" to fit the stud on the front plate.

On 29th Nov, 2016 madmk1 said:

On 28th Nov, 2016 Rob Gavin said:
I refuse to pay for anything else

Like fuel 😂😂


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1913 Posts
Member #: 1392
Pointless Post Whore

Liverpool, North west

Wow. Thats a clean floor

Nice install metty.

Edited by Jordan on 21st Jun, 2008.

Back once again like a renegade master


806 Posts
Member #: 989
Post Whore

North Yorkshire

Already sorted, Tom. I took that picture before I had got around to reinstalling the alternator.

On 20th Jun, 2008 Tom Fenton said:
Looks good, you will need to swap the adjustment bar for the alternator around to clear the bracket, its quite obvious how it fits, all that is needed is to drill out the hole to 3/8" to fit the stud on the front plate.

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