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Home > Show Us Yours! > To cut a long story short (total rebuild)

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
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Luton Bedfordshire

This was taken in 2003 When she sat on 15" wheels and was running 14psi of boost. She was built in 1995 but due to available time I never got to finish her until 2003. Back then the biggest problem was getting the tyres to fit the wheels! Had to import them from Germany as seconds, common as muck now so I have re shod her with 16s


Edited by Mr Joshua on 31st May, 2023.

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10980 Posts
Member #: 17

SouthPark, Colorado

I like 10's.

Nice enough though - I didn't know there was that much room under the radius arm.

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


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7265 Posts
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The Boom Boom speaker Police!


16s on a mini!!!

I bet that handles well lol!!!!

Put a set of smaller wheels on it and regain the ability to turn the front wheels!

In the 13's at last!.. Just


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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
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Betwix Harrogate and York

Very interesting, as TD says, you must have done something pretty trick to the rear to get the 16s on. Biggest I've seen before is 14s on Phils car.

Don't see why it can't be made to handle though, will just need a bit of thought.

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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8297 Posts
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Turbo Love Palace Fool


Judging by the width of the arch they must be spaced out a fair way to clear the radius arms.

1/4mile in 13.2sec @ 111 terminal on 15psi


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6274 Posts
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Isle of Man

yeah matty, its quite a common mod:

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"


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8215 Posts
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Somewhere around Swindon

sorry not a fan myself

Crystal Sound Audio said:

Why should have your name as Fuckfaceshithead !

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."-Douglas Adams


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2370 Posts
Member #: 719
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Horndean - Near Portsmouth

Wouldnt that rape the wheel bearings and cv's? Cool to be different mate, alot of work done there!!!



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9812 Posts
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Resident Cylinder Head Modifier

Mitsi Evo 7, 911, Cossie. & all the chavs ...... won no problem

yes wheel bearing life will be a big issue and ball joints


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3184 Posts
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a LIL fishing village on the coast - Newcastle Upon Tyne

top and bottom arm bushes and joints will be dessimated, but as mentioned a good effort fella, summit a bit different. how is the tyre not rubbing on the base of the radius arm though ?

1 me 4 details

MikeRace, Mini13

On 17th Aug, 2009 Jay#2 said:
I doubt I'll be dipping into the 13's like you did though!

Jason G

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Braintree, Essex

does it hit the inner wings etc?

On 19th Jan, 2010 wil_h said:
I would start the furthest place from the finish.

On 24th Mar, 2012 apbellamy said:
I feel all special knowing that I've given your mum my wood.

Been neglecting Turbo'd 'A' series..............

Paul R

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Back to Fucking Tool status


fair play for putting all that time and effort into it, but personally the wheels are a bit big by about 6 inches :). also i bet you get good fuel economy on the motorway lol top speed of probably like 200mph as well...

-Ford S-max Mk2 Ecoboost
-Rover 100 VVC #2 - track project

Searching is all you need on TurboMinis

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
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Luton Bedfordshire

On 15th Feb, 2008 matty said:
Judging by the width of the arch they must be spaced out a fair way to clear the radius arms.

No spacers on the rear, and the front offset is 50/50 as damn near makes no difference to MInilite offset, so no I wont be over loading the bearings or cv's.

She does scrub ever so slightly on full left lock but not on right.

The mods I do to fit the wheels are nothing spectacular and have seen a friends done a lot sipmpler. The hard part was sourcing the wheels then trying to source the tyres.

The only regretable part of the bulid is the need for a one off hand brake cable I would rather have used an off the shelf item but ones that compact dont exist.

Own the day

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
Post Whore

Luton Bedfordshire

On 15th Feb, 2008 theoneeyedlizard said:
16s on a mini!!!

I bet that handles well lol!!!!

Put a set of smaller wheels on it and regain the ability to turn the front wheels!

She is very driveable and the larger diamiter wheels help reign the torque in when you nail it out of corners.

I like 10's.

Nice enough though - I didn't know there was that much room under the radius arm.

I have tried a Fortech with tens but The arch kit needed a huge amount or re-work to make the clearances acceptable and getting it out of the garage was hellish.

These days ground clearance has to be a consideration.

Edited by Mr Joshua on 16th Feb, 2008.

Own the day

Mr Joshua

2490 Posts
Member #: 1954
Post Whore

Luton Bedfordshire

She is a little further along than this picture, there are those out there who have reservations about the size of her rims but I am pleased to say they have reduced the effects of the tourque steer. Had to swap the engine out due to the new cam turning to chocolate on lobe No.6. The replacement engine is a bit unpredictable on its power delivery, never intended to fit this lump to a road car but its good fun.


Own the day


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348 Posts
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Las Vegas, Brit in the States

what lump have you got in it then?


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2924 Posts
Member #: 95
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im liking it, looks different.

no longer a series, but still 1.3 turbo.

On 28th Nov, 2008 Sprocket said:
Oh now that is a long shaft you have Carl.


628 Posts
Member #: 1064
Formally Whyte_ben

Horndean, Hampshire

Looks cool mate. Different.

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Rob Gavin

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Member #: 618
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not normally a fan of body kits and big wheels but I like the look of this. As Carl said, it is differant


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7765 Posts
Member #: 74
I pick holes in everything..

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Sorry to say, but that looks well rank!

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.

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The boring bloke who runs this place.


I'm not a bodykit fan, or a big wheel fan - but that last pic actually looks alright! Looks like one of those cartoon cars *wink*


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2370 Posts
Member #: 719
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Horndean - Near Portsmouth

On 24th Jun, 2008 Vegard said:
Sorry to say, but that looks well rank!

You aren't sorry though are you, otherwise you wouldn't say it in the first place.

He likes it so its cool. He's obviously spent alot of cash on it and I can imagine he doesn't appreciate someone saying his car's shit..

How would you feel? *oh well* Just isn't fair really is it!


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1252 Posts
Member #: 1656
Post Whore


I must say its been very well done, lots of work gone into it (that's pretty obvious). I personally dont like it but it may grow on me

On 23rd Oct, 2009 sim_ou_nao said:

eu gosto de mamas = i like boobs


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730 Posts
Member #: 1791
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Cranleigh, surrey

not to my taste, but clearly a lot of work has gone into it!!! good effort!

"Cars are a lifetime of pain"


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4890 Posts
Member #: 1775
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I have been a fan of small wheels but that last pic looks cool, nice job. I think we would all like to see shots of the suspension

I run a supercharger and I don't care the TB is on the wrong side.
VEMS + 12 PSI + Liquid Intercooler = Small Bore FUN!

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