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Home > General Chat > (1100) remote turbo setups - pics wanted!


15 Posts
Member #: 1245

Ok Guy's....My buddy is wanting to put a small turbo on he's 1100 and would like to get some idea's and poss. some pic's of where would be a nice place to mount the turbo instead of doing the bulkhead cutout...Is it at all poss. you might share some pic's and idea's with us ??? We sure would appreciate it....

Oh and while were on the 1100 subject do any of you know where we can get a set of new old stock pistons 10 or 20 over...If that is not poss. then prehaps just a set of std. new old stock ring's.....

Thanks and Cheers...Willieeeeeeeeeeee...

edited because willie posted this in the megasquirt section. *laughing*

Edited by TurboDave16V on 31st Jan, 2007.


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Snetterton, Norfolk

There is a chap on here who has done a remote turbo in the US, goes by the name fortfun i believe. Do a search on it i think the posts were listed under rotary muffler.

As for pistons, any particular reason for wanting new old stock ones? Ebay has them occasionally but try the main mini shops as i am sure they will be able to help you.


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10980 Posts
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SouthPark, Colorado

These are the instalations that willie is talking about....

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


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1849 Posts
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Oslo, Norway

the compressor housing on the turbo thats in the red clubman looked big!?


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6274 Posts
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Isle of Man

i cant imagine that last install handles very well

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

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Joeybaby83.....took me second very funny...*wink* When I had my 66 cooper I was considering a side install but no a box in the van is the way foward. Side install does look trick when you know the amount of work it takes.

Turbo Phil

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On 31st of Jan, 2007 at 06:07pm joeybaby83 said:
i cant imagine that last install handles very well

You'd think wouldn't you ? But in actual fact it handles very well, four wheel steering and all.
It was much faster up the drive and into the garage than my stock 998. *wink*


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10980 Posts
Member #: 17

SouthPark, Colorado

Edited by TurboDave16V on 31st Jan, 2007.

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


3589 Posts
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Northern Ireland

Lots of interesting setups there......

Ahhh, if I ever get the time and money

9.85 @ 145mph
202mph standing mile
speed didn't kill me, but taxation probably will


15 Posts
Member #: 1245

Thanks Guy's and " Turbo Dave " ....Thats just what I'm talking about.....This is good Stuff.....I think were on the right track now....What mm size turbo would ya think ????? 5 or 6 psi...Just to tickle er a bit....Don't want to race er or hurt er...Just a bit o fun with er..



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Betwix Harrogate and York

A quick glance at the compressor maps I have shows that the R5 GT T2 should work well. Suprisingly the GT15 looks wery inefficient at lower psi.


Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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I just bought a 1300 thinking the same. After som careful investigation it seems as a bulkhead box is needed there as well. That means I need to find an Allegro now *wink*

On 13th Jul, 2012 Ben H said:
Mine gets in the way a bit, but only when it is up. If it is down it does not cause a problem.


2395 Posts
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Whats happening with that engine phil?

Turbo Phil

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4629 Posts
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Lake District

On 1st of Feb, 2007 at 12:50pm gav said:
Whats happening with that engine phil?

Nothing ! lol. It's still sat under the bench where it was about 5 years ago. *laughing*
If i had more space, time and money i'd buy a Metro to stick it in and get it running.



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On 1st of Feb, 2007 at 01:19pm Turbo Phil said:

Nothing ! lol. It's still sat under the bench where it was about 5 years ago. *laughing*
If i had more space, time and money i'd buy a Metro to stick it in and get it running.

Or I may just give it to stig as he would like to try and fit it in the front of his mini

Sounds good to me phil :p

Turbo Phil

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Lol ! *laughing*



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Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..


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South Carolina, USA

I am digging up all kinds of old threads.

This thread already had a good collection of remote setup pictures. Just wondering if anyone has any additional remote turbo setups they could add to this list -- detailed pictures would be most helpful.

Paul R

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shame, i like the idea of this as it looks so cool but none of them have servo's on which i want to use :(

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2395 Posts
Member #: 229


Didn't Jonspeed or someone do a manifold that mounted it near the passenger side wiper motor, can't remember if that was where they put the carb ot the turbo though lol, but it meant no bulkhead mods.


40 Posts
Member #: 1326

Yeovil, Somerset

that was the turbo technics suck through setup that placed the carb up by the wiper motor and didnt require any bulkhead mods. i was running that setup for a bit. worked quite well


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On 2nd Oct, 2009 Vegard said:

On 1st Oct, 2009 Jimster said:
I bet my first wank came quicker than your first mini turbo

These new modern turbos with their quick spool up time, would make the competition harder.

On 15th Aug, 2011 robert said:
phew!!! thank you brett for smashing in my back doors .( not something i imagined writing... EVER)


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1424 Posts
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Formally spanner181187

Dublin, Ireland

Is it just me or are side mount exhaust manifolds always rotten looking?

On 12th Nov, 2009 Paul S said:

I think Gary OS has taken over my role as the forum smart arse *happy*

On 30th Apr, 2010 Rod S said:
Gary's description is best


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for the most part it seems yes,
depends how anal you are i guess

On 2nd Oct, 2009 Vegard said:

On 1st Oct, 2009 Jimster said:
I bet my first wank came quicker than your first mini turbo

These new modern turbos with their quick spool up time, would make the competition harder.

On 15th Aug, 2011 robert said:
phew!!! thank you brett for smashing in my back doors .( not something i imagined writing... EVER)


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I think the ones where the manifolds have been well fabricated and painted up ect look pretty good. certainly a conversion I would consider.

On 22nd Jan, 2009 spanner181187 said:
Is it just me or are side mount exhaust manifolds always rotten looking?

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it


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