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Home > Help Needed / General Tech Chat > making a turbo carb


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could i just buy the rebuild kit for the turbo carb a nd use the parts on the normal asp HIF44

with all the seals in the rebuild kit for the turbo, would this make the normal carb sealed for boost pressure *oh well*

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the throttle linkage is on the other side on a turbo carb, dunno about any other differences though.

On 20th Oct, 2015 Tom Fenton said:

Well here is the news, you are not welcome here, FUCK OFF.

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10980 Posts
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SouthPark, Colorado

In answer to your question, basically - yes. You also need the spring and needle from a turbo carb...
You need to seal the dashpot to the body. I suggest machining the body to take the sealing ring as on the turbo version.
You need to assemble the seals on the choke and butterfly spindles the other way round to the nat-asp.
You also need to PERMANENTLY block the 'breather pipe' that sticks up out the side of the carb. The levers are easy to sort out - least of your worries!

As a final tip, drill the 'lug' that is towards the rear of the carb on the same side as the choke. drill through 1.5mm, then drill halfway through the lug with a 5mm drill. You can then run your choke cable through here, freeing up a lot of space. Jimster must have some pics of his carb with this mod - maybe he can find one and show you guys what i'm trying to say!

On 17th Nov, 2014 Tom Fenton said:
Sorry to say My Herpes are no better

Ready to feel Ancient ??? This is 26 years old as of 2022


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Bingley, West Yorkshire

Can i just ask one quick question, when i got my turbo carb the cap was threaded, so it was held on wiht a clamp. I took it off when topping it up, and used a normal 1.3 cap (with the thing that hangs off it!)

Only thing that worried me was the turbo one looked like it was tapered round the middle of the copper cylinder at the bottom, whereas the one im using now isnt.

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thanks for the help guys will surely let you all know how it goes :)

'I swear to use the Boost, The whole Boost'
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