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Home > Technical Chat > FWD R1 engined Mini


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Whilst trawling the web scoping out bike engined mni's I came across the mini in the link below has a R1 engine under the standard front end and is FWD! I've been thinking about this for a while - a or practical and more 'mini' solution then the RWD kits I feel.

I can figure out how he's sorted the drive? The engine is 180degs around, with the carbs facing out, so he must have some nifty gearing/ chaining going in?! I have a idea how it could be done.

Anybody seen it or have any ideas, links, pics etc?

Here's the link

Choppo *smiley*

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bad guy: What's the easy way?
Hannibal: That WAS the easy way.

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its usually at combe. seen it a couple of times but never really looked at it hard.


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I read somewhere about someone trying to do one with the bike engine mounted ontop of the mini gearbox.
So perhaps a mini box left in 4th gear,with a chain drive down to it from the bike box

Metro turbo weekend driver,Mini turbo in the making again!


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yes they look good, i guess the way the power comes in they might get good traction, which has to be a good thing. other wise can't see the point with 140 bhp you can't get easy out of the normal engine.

Best 1/4 mile 13.2 seconds @116 mph
First 5 port miniturbo to make over 200 bhp on a carb?
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hi there i would just like to say that stander bhp on a r1 is 170 not 140 so that why we are putting them in


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Dalbeattie Scotland

And thats 170bhp at the wheel / wheels if its 2006 on in stock trim.


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Dean984,,, the std power output of the early carb version R1s is only 140,,, the later injected ones are much more,,, i have both here, i`ve allready fitted the carb version into my hillclimb buggy

The R1 power units (complete with everything, gearbox, clutch inlet exhaust etc) only weight 70kgs so they`re bloody light, add a turbo to a later model 185hp injected version & you will easilly have well over 400hp

One of my good friends has turbo-d his & it`s RR`d at 434hp at the wheels

power to weight ratio is where it`s at , turbo bike donk with 6speed doggy box & all that Oomph is the go, i doubt that type of driveline can ever be improved upon for a mini to be honest,,, unless you have a friend who can scam you an F1 donk or an indy car donk *smiley*



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Looks like a good kit too!
Turbo it, and you got yourself a screamer!!!

This guy is norwegian, and has done a fwd mini-conversion with a Ford-diff.

He is known as Bosanova, and has a thread on this site:


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kings langley

mines a pro motive kit and mot'd on the road its a carbed r1 and as said its around the 130bhp mark i think

its scary fast though lol

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[quote=fab,8th Oct, 2010]fuck off

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i will hopefully be helping dean with his promotive one it looks good fun and the subframe looks awsome

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Horndean - Near Portsmouth

How do you reckon these things fare against a turbo mini of the same power?

Would there be much difference?


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I think it would be difficult to say. With the turbo lump you'd have more torque than the R1 lump. But the R1 setup will be lighter and need less gear changes, which would be quicker without needing to use the clutch to change them *wink*
Gavin :)

Edited by Bat on 30th Apr, 2008.

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2370 Posts
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Horndean - Near Portsmouth

Hmmm thats what i thought aswell bat.

As you say the turbo motor would have more torque than the bike engine, would that mean the bike engine would be able to put the power down easier?

Its a shame kits like this are so pricey, id like to try something different!


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Well there's another point. One against the other again; R1 very lightweight internals will accelerate quickly and less weight on the tyres, could loose traction Vs turbo; more torque, could loose traction also?
With them both being FWD might not be much to choose between?
The difference might just be down to "feel" in the end and to make any sort of comparison you'd need to optimise both setups suspension etc.
Gavin :)

Edited by Bat on 30th Apr, 2008.

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why would you ever want to do this?
it may be good on a bike or a 300kg track kit car, but on a road car the lack of torque would be wank


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Well that would be my opinion too Nic. I'm all for torque over hp, but I've not tried one to know what they're like....
You do get a nice 5 or 6 speed sequential box though *wink*
Gavin :)

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Preston On The Brook

Bike engines for bikes, car engines for cars.

From what I have heard from the guys that run bike engines in their Caterhams, you need to rev the bollox off them to get them to move, the clutch lasts circa 6k hence why most complete kits come with a spare, and the reverse gear is an on off electric motor, far from idea when your trying to park it at Sainsbury's, or a very expensive reverse box. Add to that the gearbox was never designed to see the shock loading of a relatively heavy car, and the chains can and do break.

Its a fad and i dont think it will last when more an more people realise this. Why do you think there are so many bike engined cars up for sale?

This is mine my own opinion :)

On 26th Oct, 2004 TurboDave16v said:
Is it A-Series only? I think it should be...
So when some joey comes on here about how his 16v turbo vauxhall is great compared to ours, he can be given the 'bird'...

On 26th Oct, 2004 Tom Fenton said:
Yep I agree with TD........


614 Posts
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kings langley

we'l have to see at mitp or avon how well it will go, its also a commen mistake that bike engines have no torque they are as torquey as a 998 mini and you can gear them to pull away fast. mine will pull away in second off idle and still top 100mph so most of what your saying is either guesswork or you've read it wrong somewere,

my tiny 998 only has about 130bhp and 70ftlb of torque but it revs to 12k which is fun and think about what you guys have spent on your turbo engines and gearboxes the promotive kit is 3k and the engines can be had for 500-800 its not mega money

and in no way is it practical but hey how often does nic use his 12 sec car to go to sainsburys?

this is my own opinion too

someone has to stick up for the bike engined minis haha

Edited by supermotolee on 1st May, 2008.

Speeding is like masturbating, everyone does it, but not all of us film it and put it on the internet

[quote=fab,8th Oct, 2010]fuck off


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2370 Posts
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Horndean - Near Portsmouth

Dont get me wrong, id love to put one in my car eventually!

Would be wicked as a weekend car and taking your mates for blasts, screaming past chavs etc, its not everyday you see/hear of a bike engined car!

I think £3k - £4k is quite alot still though, im probably going to finish my project for around the same amount of cash, including how much the car cost me with a spec of around 150 - 180 brake.

I know bike engines are bombproof aswell, id love to do one some day!

Post some pics up of yours!!


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Northern Ireland (ex AUS)

I don't know, I haven't been in a bike engined car but what does the gearing end up like with say 10" or 13" wheels? Reving to 12k and shifting through a sequencial 6 speed would be fun but what is it like at sane speeds? I take it pottering along will still see you shifting at 4 or 5k? I will say I don't like the sound of a bike comming from a car.

On 7th Nov, 2008 Nic said:
!!!!!!sdrawkcab si gnihtyreve ?droabyekym ot deneppah sah tahw ayhwdd


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612 Posts
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Dalbeattie Scotland

The gearing will depend on what sprockets you use it is very easy to change gearing when its chain drive like under 5 minutes and not expensive.


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Northern Ireland (ex AUS)

Ah yes true, thats handy.

On 7th Nov, 2008 Nic said:
!!!!!!sdrawkcab si gnihtyreve ?droabyekym ot deneppah sah tahw ayhwdd


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On 1st May, 2008 supermotolee said:
think about what you guys have spent on your turbo engines and gearboxes the promotive kit is 3k and the engines can be had for 500-800 its not mega money

and in no way is it practical but hey how often does nic use his 12 sec car to go to sainsburys?

I respect your opinion and im not meaning to sound like im starting an argument but:

My engine cost me £2800 originally, added to that i then put forged pistons in, and have changed the turbo, so subtracting the differences it works out about £3300

My car gets used alot more than anyone thinks it does, its not my everyday car but when the weather is good i do go to work in it, i do go to the shops in it, it a very friendly car to use.

I usually to about 3000-3500 miles a year in it and thats just using it some evenings and weekends. If i didnt spend most of my life travelling around the country for work, and worked in a place that offered secure parking i would use to go to work in the summer months

I hope that one day i can take you out in it just so you can see how it could be used everyday


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We had an R1 on out club shootout last weekend. It was in a Z-cars kit. It made 141 at the wheels and that was a carb version. not sure about the front wheel drive but those zcars kits get the power down very very well. The same day a Busa made 160 at the wheels.

I would think they were very good loads of grass trackers use them so they have to be strong. but they do change the chains every 5 races.

I run a supercharger and I don't care the TB is on the wrong side.
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