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the map window thing i was thinking may be affecting the signal ..


Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

Graham T

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On 3rd Jan, 2018 Paul S said:
A good comparison would be the VE curve you did ^^^. It will factor MAP out of the equation.

Certainly is a problem with boost building and the finger must point to the new turbo.

I could be Paul, I’m just hoping not.

At 2000RPM and below all the Remote Turbo logs indicate it was slower to build boost than the SRE session (with the log manifold).
With the RR Day 1 5.6PSI run the boost is slow to build up initially, but then at 2400RPM it ramps up and follows the SRE boost curve until the Wastegate opens.
The next logged run on RR Day 1 was the 7.1PSI run, where it builds no boost until ~2600RPM, and then the curve follows both the SRE and RR day 1 curve until the Wastegate opens (at much lower boost), levels off and then builds boosts again up to its peak.
The only thing I can see that changed between the two RR day 1 runs in the above graph would have been the injection timing and the boost duty cycle. The 5.6PSI run was base pressure with no Boost controller bleed off, the second run was at 22% Boost duty cycle.

ooh, and the sample chamber EGT was massively lower in the second (7.1PSI) run.
At 2296RPM for example, for the 5.6PSI run the EGT was at 111DegC where as for the 7.1PSI run it was at 55DegC.

The turbo used in RR Day 1 was the same turbo that was on the car for the SRE Dyno session.
I only changed the turbo a week before going to Robert for Day 2, because I found lots of oil in the inlet pipe coming out from the turbo, the dump valve and the cold air in pipes.
When I stripped the turbo the turbine shaft, the bearing surfaces were fairly scored and there was a fair amount of lateral play – 0.84mm, but no evidence of the compressor or turbine wheels contacting the housing.

Back to the graphed data.

For the RR day 2 traces, MAP starts very low, but builds fairly well from a lower MAP, where at 2400RPM, it is on par with RR day 1 and SRE traces, but then it slowly builds until 2700 – 2800RPM where there is a peak, then a dip, then boost continues to build slowly.

Could that just be the wastegate opening fractionally, then holding at that position, wasting some exhaust gas, but still letting boost build slowly, before finally opening enough to limit boost at the max for each run?
I’ve added pre load to the wastegate actuator now, so I can compare once I get out for a drive.
I’ll post up the RR Day 1 graphs later so its easier to see for comparison.

Also Robert, I have the MAP sample stuff on my radar, the weather though at the moment is not conducive to driving around in an open top car…

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Paul S

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Low pre-load on the actuator could be the problem.

If your boost controller can work below 5psi boost, then I think that you must have a very low pre-load setting. Assuming that the boost controller controls a solenoid valve that bleeds off pressure from the signal line to the actuator.

I've got boost control on my car but I will not use it until I've got everthing sorted at a nominal 0.8barg boost on the actuator alone.

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Graham T

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On 4th Jan, 2018 Paul S said:
Low pre-load on the actuator could be the problem.

If your boost controller can work below 5psi boost, then I think that you must have a very low pre-load setting. Assuming that the boost controller controls a solenoid valve that bleeds off pressure from the signal line to the actuator.

I've got boost control on my car but I will not use it until I've got everthing sorted at a nominal 0.8barg boost on the actuator alone.

I hope pre-load is the problem. I had 2.5mm of pre-load set for the dyno day. I have upped it now to 4mm and as we are forecast cold but dry weather tomorrow, I might be able to get out and test the theory.

In the meantime, some AFR data comparisons.

These are from the MS2 “Common AFR" data, with the LSU in the down pipe about 50mm above the diff housing and the innovate AFR data, with the sample pipe stuffed up the exhaust pipe, which if I recall correctly would have been in about 450mm or so.

So all told, the Innovate was recording AFR’s ~1 AFR richer than the MS2 for the most part, through out all the runs, barring a couple of area’s (notably the 100% Boost Duty, 12.5PSI run @ 3500 – 4500RPM) where the Traces become fairly close (?)

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Graham T

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And those "AFR offsets" were also fairly much comparable with The EFI dyno Day back in August 2017

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Paul S

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So how does the MS2 receive the data, digital or 0-5v?

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
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Graham T

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It's digital Paul

Edited by Graham T on 5th Jan, 2018.

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Paul S

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I assume that the Innovate is also digital?

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Graham T

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Honestly, I can't answer that.
I've not got involved in the innovate (LM1 ?) and how it works.

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Graham T

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A few tests over the weekend…

Firstly to establish any offsets between sensors

Iox.Air filter Pressure sensor, which is on the Input/Output Extender (Iox) board, Not the MS2) connected to manifold.
Iox.Air Pressure Post intercooler, again on the Iox board. This trace is just to show a clean sensor signal on the Iox.
MAP, this is the MS2 MAP sensor.
Logging was started before starting the engine, giving readings at Atmosphere.
After start up, MAP and Iox.Air filter Pressure sensor pretty much matching up, obviously taking into account the 0.54Kpa offset at atmosphere.

So then disconnecting the MS2 MAP Signal pipe from the inlet Manifold.
The first part of the log shows the MS2 MAP sensor to atmosphere.
MS2 MAP then dips to 80KPA with the syringe attached and a little suction added.
Finally, positive pressure put on the MS2 MAP sensor.

So it appears there is no electrical noise on either the MS2 MAP sensor or the Iox Pressure sensors.

All that established, a few logs from a drive or 2 down the road.

I was not on 100% Throttle until 3100RPM in the above, hence the initial boost is slightly low and possibly slow coming in.

Now a 4th Gear pull from the same drive out, 100% throttle from 1700RPM.

Muuuch better. Boost coming nice and early…

Max boost recorded by the MS2 MAP sensor, for 4mm Wastegate actuator pre load was 138Kpa (MS2MAP) or 5.2PSI

The next drive out was with 7mm Preload on the Wastegate actuator.
I only managed to get a reasonable 4th Gear pull logged, hence only low revs.

Max boost was at 144Kpa, or 6.2PSI in other parts of the log.

The next test was with a different MS2, just to see how the MAP compared with my MS2.
So again with 7mm Preload on the Wastegate actuator.
I managed to get a good 3rd gear pull this time…

So that MS2 is pretty much showing the same differences in MAP readings as my MS2 does, compared to the Iox pressure readings taken from the inlet manifold.
Also, it looks like the Iox pressure readings from the inlet manifold closely resemble those of the Innovate pressure readings from the Dyno day.

Next up, the MS2 settings for MAP sampling…

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Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Graham T

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Changing the figures for the MS2 MAP Sampling settings, as suggested by Robert and Rod, resulted in some interesting, and I must admit for my part, unexpected results.

I could not set the MAP Sampling window at the 360 Degrees that Robert suggested, as there is a maximum of 50Deg, so I set it at that.

Setting the MAP Sampling window back to 10 Deg and then changing the MAP Sampling Angle to a random 120Deg:

Not only can you see the result of the MAP reading much lower, but it was evident in the car also, I started getting miss firing, which I assume would be detonation. Presumably brought on because the MS2 was seeing 136KPa when the engine was actually getting 144KPA, so it was getting somewhere around 2.5Deg more ignition advance for the same RPM at the same Boost as it was in the previous run.

So, I now need to read the whole MS2 MAP sampling thing yet again to understand the MAP Sampling angle, which I believe is supposed to be set “just before the Valve closes”…

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Joe C

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just had a thought,

how are the sensors calibrated? if its a 3 point callibration then if the sensors not very inear it might be out at varios points,

actually Ive just checked in TS and its a 2 point cal (0 & 5v) so assumes a linear sensor, which accourding to the datasheet it is, but it looks like sensors could vary up to 15kpa from each other from the datasheet graph, also asuming the mpx4250, there are 2 versions, an A and a D, the A cuts off at 20kpa which would skew the low end readings,

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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wow that made a bit of a difference .

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

Rod S

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Interesting observation Joe.
The version specified for the MS units (standard fitting) is the "A" ie, the absolute pressure version and is described on the datasheet as being for automotive MAP readings and I would be reasonably confident the standard calibration loaded in MS (unless its accidentally been changed to a custom calibration for a higher pressure sensor) will match the "A" graph.

The ones I've been purchasing are definitely the "A" version and I'm 99.9% certain Graham has been using the same Farnell order code.

To my mind, the comparison between the ones in two different MS2 units vs one in an IOx box - which doesn't use a timed window sample regime because, like Robert's setup, it doesn't know the crank position - means the sample window is the more likely explanation.

So I think it becomes a case of understanding the reasoning behind the sample regime and optimising it.

But, in an EFI setup, providing the chosen regime is giving consistent and repeatable readings that follow a linear scale, you will just end up with fueling and timing tables that suit whatever that regime is reading for a given manifold pressure even if it isn't quite the same as the actual average pressure (if that makes sense). To my mind, it's only when comparing to externally sourced readings, or trying to do any efficiency calculations (using the other pressure readings around the cycle) that the real value becomes an issue. And if a "real" reading is needed for other calculations/comparisons, use another independent one wired to one of the remaining ADC inputs on the IOx where the whole group will be calibrated the same and all independent of the engines rotational position.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Joe C

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I didnt see ypur last post Graham, I was probably looking at the datasheets as you posted,

yep that MAP angle is really making a difference!

Hmmm thats very interesting Rod, I hadnt considered that the Iox would'nt know crank position, I was planing to use one to measure stuff like TIP, but might have to rethink that.

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?

Graham T

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Yes, I'm using the A version MPX4250.

The MAP calibration is set as default for the MPX4250 (from the pull down list):
Value at 0.0Volts(%) = 10
Value at 5.0 Volts(%) = 260

Which seems not correct according to the data sheet?

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Paul S

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More interesting data, thanks for posting. My analysis:

The IoX data is showing cycle average values upstream of the carb. The Innovate data is showing cycle average values from the manifold runner. The MS is sensing the manifold runner pressure during a specific cycle angle window.

The variation between the Innovate and MS data is to be expected. At boost of say 1.0 Barg, the pressure in the runner will vary from 0.5 to 1.5 Barg. You are seeing the pulse movement by changing the map sampling window settings. That's why you can see higher MS values at low revs and then they drop as the revs climbs and the high point of the pulse moves away.

There's nothing wrong here.

Edited by Paul S on 8th Jan, 2018.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Rod S

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On 8th Jan, 2018 Joe C said:
Hmmm thats very interesting Rod, I hadnt considered that the Iox would'nt know crank position, I was planing to use one to measure stuff like TIP, but might have to rethink that.

I think I'm right in saying that Joe, I'll wait for Jean to jump in if I'm wrong, but one thing he has pointed out regularly is the IOx cannot be used for anything that is engine timing critical because of the latency (delay) in the CanBus which is not a fixed delay so can't be calculated out. It sees all the basic MS data (like RPM) but I don't think it goes into much more detail.
The delay is tiny and has never worried us for the kind of data we are logging because the logging frame rate between the MS2 and PC is way, way slower.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Joe C

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it looks like what they have done is extrapolated the average line out to where it would cross the 0 and 5v ponts, on the assumtion that the engiine is never going to hit these points.

On 8th Jan, 2018 Graham T said:
Yes, I'm using the A version MPX4250.

The MAP calibration is set as default for the MPX4250 (from the pull down list):
Value at 0.0Volts(%) = 10
Value at 5.0 Volts(%) = 260

Which seems not correct according to the data sheet?

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?

Rod S

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On 8th Jan, 2018 Joe C said:
it looks like what they have done is extrapolated the average line out to where it would cross the 0 and 5v ponts, on the assumtion that the engiine is never going to hit these points.

On 8th Jan, 2018 Graham T said:
Yes, I'm using the A version MPX4250.

The MAP calibration is set as default for the MPX4250 (from the pull down list):
Value at 0.0Volts(%) = 10
Value at 5.0 Volts(%) = 260

Which seems not correct according to the data sheet?

I've just had a quick look at my project configuration - which is currently using a T-IOx rather than the full size one - and those values are what are coming up as the default in the T-IOx as well.
So if they are out, they appear to be all out equally.......

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Graham T

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Actually, Ignore me.

The Sensor sensitivity is 0.02V/KPA
(Sensor output voltage / sensitivity) +10 KPa seems to come in line with the graph on page 5 of the MPX4250A datasheet.
Which is good, because that’s what I have been using as the folmula for the Iox Pressure channels.

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Graham T

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Thanks everyone for the feedback.

I’ve just done a little more reading on the MS2 forums and the MS3 manual with regard to MAP Sampling.

As per Rod’s comments above, it seems repeatability is required over accuracy for MAP sampling, which makes sense.

The general advices appears to be to make the Sampling angle “just before the valve closes”, so for me that would be somewhere around 124 Deg BTDC.
That is a bit simplist though and is more in depth advice on setting MAP sampling in the MS3 setup Manual.

The version of code I am using is limited to only using the “Timed min” MAP sampling strategy, whereas later MS2 and MS3 codes have an “event average” MAP sampling strategy, which appears to be the Megasquirt preferred sampling strategy.
The version of code I run also means I do not have the MAP logger available to do more in depth analysis and setup.

The “event Average” Sampling strategy might offer a more accurate MAP reading, but that would mean I would lose Traction Control as I currently have it implemented, and possibly gain me little to nothing with regard to tuning and everyday driving.
Ultimately I need to look at how else I can implement Traction control, and probably do a bit of testing with a newer MS2 code release.

However, I think maybe for now I will continue to use the Air filter pressure sensor for a “true” reading of MAP as an external comparison, or install a 4th MAP sensor for Iox pressure measurements.

What I will also do as a test is to add a fuel filter inline from the Inlet manifold to MAP sensors to see if that helps smooth the MAP out.

Edited by Graham T on 8th Jan, 2018.

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Siamese 5 port EFI testing


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it does look like with a bit of jiggery pokery it will match the innovate most of the time .

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

Paul S

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A decent buffer on the signal line should sort it out.

Here's on old plot from a simulation showing the variation of pressure in the inlet runner:

The peaks of the pulses ocurr at different times in the cycle depending on the engine speed. The pulses move at the speed of sound and are not synched to engine speed. So with your map sampling you will be picking up the MAP during the intake event, but it will not be the same as the cycle average.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
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Montreal, Canada

On 8th Jan, 2018 Rod S said:
On 8th Jan, 2018 Joe C said:
Hmmm thats very interesting Rod, I hadnt considered that the Iox would'nt know crank position, I was planing to use one to measure stuff like TIP, but might have to rethink that.

I think I'm right in saying that Joe, I'll wait for Jean to jump in if I'm wrong, but one thing he has pointed out regularly is the IOx cannot be used for anything that is engine timing critical because of the latency (delay) in the CanBus which is not a fixed delay so can't be calculated out. It sees all the basic MS data (like RPM) but I don't think it goes into much more detail.
The delay is tiny and has never worried us for the kind of data we are logging because the logging frame rate between the MS2 and PC is way, way slower.

Rod, you are correct. You can't rely on a CAN bus message to compute a precise engine position and that's not just an IOx limitation but the nature of serial bus communication. A device needs to be directly connected to a crank sensor (or equivalent) to know the engine position. The IOx can see all the same data that TunerStudio can see but none of the internal ECU values or the raw sensor data.


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